1 USDOL V eterans Employment and Training Services VOPAR O perations and P rograms A ctivity R eport
2 VOPAR Agenda Introductions Roles and Responsibilities Data Entry Schedule Summary VOPAR Help Questions and Comments
3 Introducing!!! Cyndi Morrison, Employment and Training Programs Specialist – National Office Tonja Pardo, Assistant Director – Oregon State Office
4 ***New Grantees Tasks*** New Grantees must first request a USERID and password for VOPAR by sending an with first/last name, address and grant #s to access to: (Person who will be doing the data entry and administrator) New Grantees will receive an response from VOPAR with an assigned USERID and password Make sure you change your password the first time you enter VOPAR A Past Grantee that received a New Grant Award must send Kristine an requesting access to the new grant #s.
5 Grantee Roles and Responsibilities Enter Actual Quarterly Results Upload Technical Narratives Word format Upload 272 and 269 Scan to jpg or pdf format Upload Success Stories Word format
6 Grant Officer Technical Representative (GOTR) Roles The GOTR must enter the initial Planned Goals into VOPAR Review actual Grantee data and expenditures Ensure that data is entered *NON-cumulatively. Approve/Disapprove Grantee performance.
7 Grant Officer Technical Representative (GOTR) Roles Cont’d If Performance data or expenditures need correcting, the GOTR will “disapprove” report in VOPAR. VOPAR will notify Grantee via an message that the report was disapproved. VOPAR reopens reports for Grantee corrections of Performance or Expenditure data. Grantee Corrects information, re- saves/finalizes data for GOTR review
8 Grant Officer Technical Representative (GOTR) Roles Cont’d Upload Quarterly Desk Audit and On- Site Monitoring Report Word Format Upload Corrective Action Plans if applicable
9 Regional Office Roles Reviews and approves/disapproves performance reports and expenditure data If “disapproved” VOPAR will notify Grantee. Disapproval letters are automated and indicates that there may be a data entry issue. RAVET notifies the GOTR to let them know what the issue may be. A comment field is being added so that the problem can be addressed with the disapproval letter. VOPAR reopens reports for Grantee corrections. Grantee re-saves/finalizes data for GOTR review. GOTR will “approve” report, releasing it back for RAVET review When “approved” reports are released for National Office review.
10 National Office Roles Enters initial grant information into VOPAR. Verifies Grantee Finalization, GOTR/DVET Approval and RAVET Approval of quarterly reports Consolidates and evaluates the quarterly reports. Reports Statistics to Congress to ensure future funding.
11 PY 2006 Data Entry Schedule Quarter EndingProposed Entry Period September 30, 2007 (1 st Qtr) October 1 st – November 20 th December 31, 2007 (2 nd Qtr) January 1 st – February 20 th March 31, 2008 (3 rd Qtr) April 1 st – May 20 th June 30, 2008 (4 th Qtr) July 1 st – August 20 th September 30, 2008 (5 th Qtr) For FU October 1 st – November 20 th December 31, 2008 (6 th Qtr) For FU January 1 st – February 20 th March 31, 2009 (7 th Qtr) For FU April 1 st – May 20 th
12 Why do we enter reports? HVRP National Figures PY 2005Qtr3PY 2006Qtr3 IndicatorTargetResultTargetResult Number of Participants Number Entered Employment Entered Employment rate 66%64%67%64% Average Wage at Placement $8.49$10.16$8.93$10.23
13 Why do we enter reports? VWIP National Figures PY 2005 Qtr 3PY 2006 Qtr 3PY 2005 FINAL Number of Participants Number Entered Employment Entered Employment rate 70%44%73% Average Wage at Placement $ $12.76
14 Roles Summary Grantee Enter Technical Performance Reports Upload 272 and 269 Upload Technical Narratives Upload Success Stories Grant Officer Technical Representative Enter initial planned Goals Charts Review and Validate Reports Upload Desk Audits Upload On-Site Monitoring Reports Upload Corrective Action Plans Regional Office Review and Validate All Reports National Office Review all Reports Report to Congress
15 Things to remember Click the “Save Data” button to save information and come back to complete Click on “finalize data” to submit to GOTR Upload narratives in WORD format Upload 272 and 269 in jpg or pdf format
16 VOPAR HELP VOPAR Users’ Guide available on the website (upper right corner) VOPAR Help is always available On login page (for login problems) On main page (at bottom) On every other page (Technical Support link in upper right-hand corner)
17 VOPAR Questions? Comments?