Cloning Cloning is the process of producing genetically identical individuals Use a single cell from an adult to grow an entirely new individual The new individual will be genetically identical to the organism from which the cell was taken
Cloning Scientists thought it would be impossible to clone a mammal In 1997 a sheep was successfully cloned Since then cows, pigs, mice and other mammals have been cloned Cloned animals may suffer from genetic defects and health problems
Cloning Cloning humans is scientifically possible However it raises ethical and moral issues As science improves, these issues will become more pressing Do you think cloning and genetic engineering technology should be applied to humans?Do you think cloning and genetic engineering technology should be applied to humans?
Gene Therapy
If you have a gene that does not function, can you replace it with a functioning gene? Gene TherapyGene Therapy: the insertion of genetic material into human cells to treat a disorder
Two Types of Gene Therapy Ex Vivo-Ex Vivo- outside the body –Remove tissue from patient –Genetically alter cells –Return cells to patient In Vivo-In Vivo- inside the body –New gene is inserted directly into the body