17/02/20161 Assisted Fertility Treatments 2012–2013 Anna Heino & Mika Gissler
Assisted Fertility Treatments 2012–2013 The number of started assisted fertility treatment cycles started to decline in Preliminary data indicate that the decrease continued in A total of treatment cycles were started in 2012, a decrease of 3.8 per cent on The preliminary data for 2013 indicate that the number of treatment cycles fell by 3.2 per cent on One explanation for the decrease in the number of treatment cycles is the drop in the number of treatments using non-donor gametes. The number of IVF treatments (including ICSI and FET) using donor sperm continued to grow. The 2007 Act on Assisted Fertility Treatments does not seem to have resulted in any long-term decrease in the number treatments using donor gametes. The assisted fertility treatments performed in 2012 resulted in a total of pregnancies, and infants were born as a result. This is estimated to be 4.1 per cent of all children born in Statistical Report 11/2014www.thl.fi/statistics/ivftreatments 17/02/20162
Assisted Fertility Treatments 1992– /02/20163 Source: THL, Assisted Fertility Treatments * Preliminary data No data on donor sperm and donor embryos was collected before Data has been collected on inseminations since 2006
Assisted fertility treatment cycles 2005– /02/20164 * Preliminary data No data on donor sperm and donor embryos was collected before Data has been collected on inseminations since 2006 Source: THL, Assisted Fertility Treatments
IVF treatments (including ICSI and FET) using non- donor gametes in 1992–2013 by treatment method 17/02/20165 * Preliminary data Source: THL, Assisted Fertility Treatments
Assisted fertility treatments with donor gametes started in 1992– /02/20166 Source: THL, Assisted Fertility Treatments * Preliminary data No data on donor sperm and donor embryos was collected before Data has been collected on inseminations since 2006
Infants born from assisted fertility treatments in 2001– /02/20167 Source: THL, Assisted Fertility Treatments No data on donor sperm and donor embryos was collected before Data has been collected on inseminations since 2006