ELA 6 A pre-reading strategy designed to help comprehension of informational texts.
B-I-G-H-A-R-T B- Bold Words I- Italicized Words G- Graphics or Pictures H- Heading and or Title A- Additional Information R- Read the text T- Tell Me the Answers
B- Bold Words Identify the bold words. Circle, highlight, underline, etc. the bold words in the reading selection. They are important and can be used when answering questions or are important vocabulary words the author wants you to know and understand.
I- Italicized Words Identify the italicized words. Circle, highlight, underline, etc. the italicized words in the reading selection. They are important and can be used when answering questions or are important vocabulary words the author wants you to know and understand.
G- Graphics or Pictures Take note of the graphic(s) in the reading selection. Briefly study it for any clues or hints that can be used to answer questions about the selection. Sometimes charts are used in informational texts. Often the pictures can be used to gather extra information for many students.
H- Heading or Title Underline the Heading or Title of the selection quickly. Take note of any words that are different from the others, or words that you are unfamiliar with. The title is often a statement of what you can expect to find in the article.
A- additional information Circle, underline, highlight, etc. any information in the margins of the text. Definitions, author’s names, page numbers and more are some things you will find in the margins of the text.
R- Read the selection Now it’s time to read the selection carefully. Chunk the material into smaller parts to help you understand. Stop after each paragraph and ask yourself what was the main point of that paragraph. Take your time, it s not a race to see who can read faster, it is an assessment to see what you comprehend.
T- Tell me the answers Finally answer the questions that correspond with the text. All the pre-reading you have done will help make answering the questions easier.
B-I-G-H-A-R-T B- Bold Words I- Italicized Words G- Graphics or Pictures H- Heading and or Title A- Additional Information R- Read the text T- Tell Me the Answers