SCIENCE WE DID PROJECTS LIKE VIDEOS, PRESENTATIONS AND MUCH MORE!!! We did a video about volcanos on facts we learned about them!! Links We also did a power point about the national park we did. Another video we made is a video about Pico crickets We did a unit about towers. In towers we learned how to make towers sturdy. We also got to try some towers with different materials. It was really fun. Another big unit we did was about energy. We learned a lot about the types of conversions to making a roller coaster. It was awesome!! The unit were learning right now is inside the earth. We made cool diagrams to show how the earth is changing.
LANGUAGE ARTS FROM WRITING TO READING LA HAS IT ALL!! The way I have improved my writing is by using the 6 writing steps. I have learned to write essays, personal narratives and small moments. Learning how to write these is how I became a better writer. I have improved my reading by reading more. I read more and harder books. That makes me read faster. Also my mom encourages me to read more. Sometimes I do and sometimes not. This is how I've improved my reading. I think that my language arts experience has been interesting. But it was fun. We did fun things like r and e. Also we did book clubs. I think that this is a good experience. My goal for the rest of the year is to learn how to write better and get better grades.
SOCIAL STUDIES DATES TO SLAVES AND ALL THE REST My social studies experience has been fun. We did a lot of things and it was fun to learn them. I think the most important thing we learned is about slaves because we learned a lot about slaves I think that the best thing was simulating colonial Williamsburg. I think my goal is to get better grades be cause I don’t have the best and to participate more.
MATH MATH IS FUN!!! I made a different power point for math. Here's the link. kis.birmingham.k12.mi. us/Abby%27s+Protfolio +Page
SCIENCE LITERACY THE WHOLE GROUP!!! We learned how to save the earth by helping clean up water bottles. In my group we used teamwork and technology to save the earth. We worked really well together. My favorite part was putting posters on the wall to inform people. Going blue My goal is to finish the project in guys read/girls read. I have learned that it is hard to find a book that 4 people like. Guys read/girls read