Advantages High Efficiency Bragg Selectivity Ease of Development Disadvantages Data not accessible for mass production
Advantages High Efficiency Bragg Selectivity Ease of Development Disadvantages Low Efficiency Specialized developing solutions
Characteristics: High efficiency Mass replicable Volume effects Higher structural rigidity
E_ vol = sin 2 (pnd/lcosf) where n = index modulation d = emulsion thickness l = recording wavelength f = reconstruction angle E_ surf = J 1 2 ((4 p/l)(n-1)(dr)(OR)/I) where J 1 = Bessel function of the first order l = recording wavelength n = index of photoresist dr = differential etch rate I = Reconstruction intensity O = Object intensity R = Reference intensity
Develop a formula for hard DCG Maximize the etch rate while minimizing penetration speed.
Measurement against theory Casting SEM pictures Electro-plating Anomalous effects
Sensitivity at lower wavelengths Higher resolution Mass-producible volume holograms Development in just water More Environmentally friendly than resist Cheaper to produce and ship