Continue on with All the Right Type (ART) for 5 minutes today
Marketing: Advertising Traditional Print Ads: Newspapers
Signature Headline Illustration Copy
Generate Revenue It is the combination of an advertisement’s headline, illustration, copy and signature that makes it successful Get Attention Give Information Motivate a Purchase
On a piece of paper, I want you to make some notes about its headline, illustration, copy and signature. Then write down a couple of sentences about why you chose it (good or bad). Take a newspaper (one at a time) and look for some advertisements. Find some good and bad ones. Pick out 3 or 4 advertisements that stand out to you (funny, silly, dumb, attractive, etc.) and cut them out.
Get attention Give information Motivate a purchase Generate sales In groups of two I want you to take turns talking about your advertisements. Each person will introduce their ad and receive comments from the other person about their ad. The point is to better understand other peoples opinions on advertising and how we can better…
Generate sales Continue to work on your flyer assignment Use the ideas from today’s lesson to improve your flyer and better be able to… Get attention Give information Motivate a purchase