Monthly Highlight
Toastmasters Club (TMC) Membership Growth Contest FEIB TMC won the 1st place of membership growth contest organized by Taiwan HQ TMC and received a cash reward of NT$3,000 in the TMC Fall Convention party held on Nov in Tainan
How many reward cards you have? Reward cards will be calculated in 2011 February meeting. Try to gain as many reward cards as you can. The member who gets the highest reward cards will be the winner of Best Participant Award and receives gift to compensate his/her efforts.
Toastmasters Approved Party 單身聯誼派對 Date: December 18, 2010, Sat. 12:30~16:30 Venue: Global Banquet, Taipei Arena 台北小巨蛋 - 囍宴軒 ( 北市南京東路 4 段 2 號 1 樓 ) Dress code: Male with suit and tie /Female with high heels ( 服裝禮節規定 : 男生須著正式西裝 / 女生須穿高跟鞋 ) Qualifications: 1. Single and available Toastmasters 2. Friends approved by a Toastmaster ( 參加條件 : 國際演講協會會員或經會員推薦的親朋好友 ) Language: English / Chinese ( 活動中將以中英文進行 ) Registration Fee: NT $600 ( 報名費新台幣陸百元 ) Male seats are still available!!( 男士名額尚有缺 ) Deadline for registration: Tonight midnight ( 報名於今晚 12:00 截止 )