Contemporary issues in education Using Technology for classroom instruction Kayla Myer Noah banks Ivy tech community college
Standard #3: Learning Environments The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. Name of Artifact: Contemporary Education Issue Date: April 7, 2015 Course: EDUC101- Introduction to Teaching Brief Description: This artifact is to demonstrate my understanding of a contemporary educational issue. The issue that I have chosen is “Should Computer Games be used in the Classroom?”. I will discuss the pros and cons of the issue and try to determine a resolution. Rationale: To document my understanding of InTASC Standard 3, Learner Environment, I have created a power point that discusses the contradicting viewpoints on using computer games in the classroom.
OVERVIEW OF CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY Educational and computer games are used effectively in modern schools. Schools in developed countries have started using computer games for instruction in the classroom. Recently, new technologies like interactive board and internet games have spread widely for many reasons. First, they attract students attention. They also have allowed students to be in the center of teaching and learning instead of conforming to the traditional technique in which the teacher is always the center of the teaching and learning process. Moreover, they enhance the corporation inside the classroom by boosting an interaction among students and teachers and among students themselves.
Teachers’ Use of Technology: Most of the educators say that the Internet has a major impact on education. 92% of teachers access content, resources and other materials. 69% share ideas with other teachers. 67% interact with parents and 57% interact with students. Consequences Teachers Face due to Device-Oriented Learning: 83% of teachers agree that “the amount of information available online today is overwhelming for most students”. 76% of teachers say, “Search engines have conditioned students to expect to be able to find information quickly and easily”. 71% of teachers agreed that today’s digital technologies discourage students from finding and using a wide range of resources for their research. 60% of teachers agree that “today’s digital technologies make it harder for students to find credible sources”.
Parents thoughts on technology in the classroom 92% believe that schools' integration of technology in teaching and learning is important to the education of American students today 64% believe that the role of technology in educating students will become much more important during the next 10 years 71% believe a greater use of technology would be helpful in connecting learning inside and outside of the classroom 76% would favor spending $200 per student for an Internet-connected device, rather than $200 per student for new science textbooks
Pros of Using Computer Games for Classroom Instruction: • Encourages peer to peer learning • Visual illustrations on computers make learning easier • They personalize learning • They reduce on the amount of text books students carry to school CONS OF USING COMPUTER GAMES FOR CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION: • Create distraction in the classroom • Poor writing skills • Expense
Our Solutions Acceptable Use Policies- Punishing a student by restricting the digital access is like taking away a textbook. Most people believe that technology is crucial to the daily school experience. Discuss the Issue with students- Early in the year, teachers should talk to their students about the need for responsible use of the resources on the internet. Be Proactive as a teacher- While students are working online in the classroom, the teacher should be alert and always in position are up to at their station. Use a secure filtering software- Net Nanny, Cyber Patrol, Yahoo Kids, and KidsNet are just a few filters that can help protect kids from unacceptable images on the web.
Questions What are the obstacles that prevent teachers from using educational games as educational tools? 2. How can we be assured the learning experience will be the same across all student devices?
Reference page Bhaskar, S. (2013, September 13). Classroom Technology: Turning Our Kids Into Nerds. Retrieved April 9, 2015, from Edutopia. (2007, November 5). What Is Successful Technology Integration. Retrieved April 12, 2015, from Gonchar, M. (2013, March 19). Should Computer Games be used for Classroom Instruction. New York Times. Retrieved April 7, 2015, from Molnar, M. (2012, September 21). Parents Favor More Technology in Schools. Retrieved April 11, 2015, from Ramey, K. (2012, November 7). The Pros and Cons of Using Computers In Classrooms. Retrieved April 9, 2015, from