What does it mean to age? Deterioration over time! This can include; weakness, susceptibility to disease, loss of mobility and agility. The reduced ability to reproduce is also a feature of ageing. More people are choosing to delay having children, and this is having a significant impact on the number of people requesting fertility treatment. Women’s reproductive ability starts to decline around the age of 30, although they will continue to have menstrual cycles up until the menopause. If a woman does fall pregnant when she is older, she has an increased chance of miscarriage. The reason for reduced fertility in older women is the reduced quality of the oocyte. FSH levels also increase with age. THE EFFECTS OF AGEING ON THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
Menopause causes changes in the reproductive organs and genitalia. Overies stop producing oestrogen, the overies and fallopian tubes shrink, the tissues thin, causing dryness, irritation, and discharge. As a result, more vaginal infections are likely to develop. In men, the number and motility of sperm decreases. However, men can father children until they reach old age, they do not lost the ability like women do. Men do experience some changes to their sexual functions. Their libido is lowered due to hormonal changes and an erection may not happen as often or for as long. They also lose sensitivity. THE EFFECTS OF AGEING ON THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
Reduced levels of oestrogen and progesterone can cause the following: Increased cholesterol levels – increases the risk of CHD. Calcium loss in bones – loss of bone density which can cause osteoporosis and bone fractures. Muscle levels decrease and fat levels increase. Hot flushes Fatigue Anxiety Lack of sleep Memory loss. THE FEMALE MENOPAUSE
There are 3 types of HRT: 1)Combined HRT – tablets and patches used. Oestrogen is taken continuously and progesterone is taken for days of the month. When the progesterone finishes, a ‘period’ usually occurs. 2)Continuous Combined HRT – both hormones taken every day without breaks. Therefore no monthly bleeds should occur. 3)Cyclic Hormone Therapy – usually recommended oestrogen taken as a pill for 25 days, with progestin added between days The two hormones taken together for the rest of the cycle. No pills taken for 3-5 days, during which a ‘period’ takes place. HRT can also be taken as a patch. Some prefer this method as no pills are required. They allow for a more gradual and natural release of the hormone into the blood. HRT
Feeling or being sick Abdominal cramps Bloating Weight changes Tenderness & enlargement of breasts Changes in liver function PMS symptoms Fluid retention Slightly increased risk of breast cancer Increased risk of endometrial cancer Link to ovarian cancer. Increased chance of Deep Vein Thrombosis Increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Osteoporosis Increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease HRT SIDE EFFECTS
Research and summarise the alternative methods used to treat the menopause. TASK