GEWEX Aerosol Assessment Panel members Sundar Christopher, Rich Ferrare, Paul Ginoux, Stefan Kinne, Jeff Reid, Paul Stackhouse Program Lead : Hal Maring, Radiation Sciences, NASA HQ.
SeaWiFS MODIS/Terra MODIS/Aqua VIIRS NPP/NPOESS TOMS/Nimbus-7 TOMS/Earth Probe TOMS/Nimbus-7: 11/1/ /6/1993, Earth Probe 7/96 – 5/01 AVHRR: NOAA-series August 1981 – present SeaWiFS: September 1997 – present MODIS Terra: February 2000 – present MODIS Aqua: July 2002 – present NPP VIIRS: 2010 – AVHRR/NOAA-series (7 and on) Aerosol Data Record Time Series Courtesy, C. Hsu AURA/OMIPARASOL
Cloudsat PARASOL CALPSO- Aerosol and cloud heights Cloudsat - cloud droplets PARASOL - aerosol and cloud polarization CALIPSO Aura 1:38 PM OCO 1:15 PM 1:30 PM OCO - CO 2 column Near Future Afternoon Constellation- “A-Train” Aqua Aerosols MODIS, OMI, POLDER 2
Goals To assess long term (AVHRR based, i.e., GACP), against EOS Terra/A-Train (MODIS, MISR, OMI) and other (PARASOL) aerosol products. –Intercomparison, uncertainties, sensitivities at various space and time scales –Reliability of variability in long-term data products –Comparability to model results?
Initial Strategy Initial Parameter: AOD only (550 nm) Initial Temporal and Spatial Scales –1 o x1 o horizontal resolution –60 o N to 60 o S; Ocean-only –Years: Initial Analysis –Daily, monthly, seasonal, yearly scales –Relevant statistics for each 1 o x1 o degree grids including number of pixels that went into calculating mean, median, etc… statistics Initial Data Sets: –Tier 1 : AVHRR, MISR, MODIS (Collection 5 and Deep Blue), OMI, POLDER (PARASOL). –Tier 2 : TOMS, MISR (Research), MODIS (Ocean Color), ATSR, SeaWIFS –Third tier (Experimental) : AIRS, GASP, SEVIRI, and others Data Archive: Goddard (Greg Leptoukh, manager); access to GIOVANNI and other tools Involve science teams: participate in aerosol product survey Connection to AEROCOM
Tier 1 Products for Initial Assessment
Aerosol Product Survey Questions: –Product name, sensor, satellite, description –Surface type, total coverage (time and space) –AOT wavelengths, fine fractions, SSA wavelengths, other products –Product resolution, version history, references and web sites –Beginning, ending dates –Principle investigator information Sensors and Respondents to Date: –AVHRR-GISS GACP (Mischenko), AVHRR-NOAA PATMOS (Zhao), CALIOP (Winker), Deep Blue MODIS/SeaWifs (Hsu), GOES Imager (Kondragunta), MISR (Kahn), MODIS Land (Levy), POLDER (Tanre), VIRS-TRMM (Zhao), CERES/MODIS-SSF (Zhao).
Current Progress/Next Steps Two Panel Meetings Held –Initial strategy devised and needs refinement Data archive selected –Formats for various grid and parameters - TBD Form Participant Team –Complete and assimilate satellite data product survey => some feedback obtained already Develop white paper with participants –Formalize phase 1 strategy Begin phase 1 assessment work