Constructing and Exchanging Knowledge
Man from Earth Discussion Which characters believed John’s claim? What evidence did each character use to justify his or her position? How does each character’s cultural perspective influence his or her line of questioning and help justify his or her position?
Reading and Small Group Discussion As you read “The Concept of ‘Perspectives’” (pages 9-11), consider the map activity, the poster presentations, and the film. How do we deal with perspectives that flatly contradict each other in their assertions and interpretations? How do we deal with worldviews that clash? Are we compelled to accept one or the other, or is there a way to find common ground that includes plural possibilities? Once your group is done discussing, choose one person to share two of the group’s responses.
Defining Culture With your table group, write a definition for culture...or you could just use one that you created in 10th grade English.;)
Anthropologist Clifford Geertz says... “Culture is the fabric of meaning in terms of which human beings interpret their experience and guide their action.” He considers it the “framework of beliefs, expressive symbols, and values in terms of which individuals define their world.”
Shared Knowledge vs. Personal Knowledge Shared Knowledge: public knowledge that others have previously gained and communicated Personal Knowledge: knowledge gained through personal experience.
Influence of Culture on Knowledge Culture affects what we feel to be important knowledge. In your own life, do you feel you have gained more insights about cultural characteristics of different groups via shared knowledge or through personal knowledge? Do the two forms of knowledge stay separate in your mind?
Reading and Small Group Discussion Read the orange box on pages and discuss each case with your group. Once your group is done discussing, choose one person to share two of the group’s responses.
Individual Reading and Group Discussion Read pages How should we, as IB students, strive to treat and analyze differing perspectives?
Individual Activity 1.Individually read and complete the Discussion Activity p.32 (orange box). 1.Discuss your grouping system(s) and the questions after #20 with your group. Be prepared to discuss with the class.
Journal 8/27 Using the reading from 33-35, describe how knowledge is transferred from shared knowledge into personal knowledge. Personal knowledge into shared knowledge. Grab a book Put your bio away
Reading and Discussion Read pages 33-35, starting at “First distinction..” and ending before “Second distinction…” How do we make the exchange of shared knowledge to personal knowledge? of personal knowledge to shared knowledge? How does one’s culture impact what becomes his/her personal knowledge?
Second distinction: three kinds of knowledge 1.Experiential knowledge = experience + reflection a.Experience: i.raw and immediate contact with things that happen in our lives ii.requires active involvement in doing; living it *Even though others can share an experience with you, no one else lives it exactly as you do.
Experiential Knowledge Personal experience: helps to develop skill (knowing how to do something) provides understanding that you might formulate into language to make knowledge claims (knowing that something is so)
Reflection Reflection involves asking yourself what experiences mean to you and what you can learn from them. As you think back, you prepare yourself to act more effectively another time. Reflection needs to be consciously critical of the conclusions we reach because our own experiences can persuade us wrongly or can make an accidental correlation (i.e. It’s always like that.).
Experiential Knowledge Discussion Activity Individually read and complete the orange box on page 38. Be prepared to share your ideas with the class.
Second distinction: three kinds of knowledge 2. Knowing how: skills of thinking + acting Knowing how connects with the two other types of knowledge. Experience helps us learn a skill, so this category overlaps but adds characteristics of its own. Skills may also be gleaned by being given information you need, through watching a demonstration, or by deliberate teaching.
Journal 8/27 Identify one thing that you know how to do that could be demonstrated in under 2 minutes and taught in not much more. (The skill should be something easy.) *Put. Your. Bio. Away.*
1. Is knowing how to do something essentially different from knowing information? 2. How are skills learned? To what extent does the learning depend on the kind of skill? What different ways of teaching and learning might be needed for the skills listed on the board? 3. What skills listed seem to fit into a larger body of knowledge? Do they contribute to areas of knowledge or social skills, or skills for public competition? 4. What skills are you learning in your IB classes? In what ways do you expect to apply them in the future after your IB studies? Knowing How Discussion
Kinds of Intelligence Psychologist Howard Gardner, in 1983, proposed seven distinct kinds of intelligence and has since accepted an eighth. 1.linguistic intelligence (language) 2.logical/mathematical intelligence 3.musical/rhythmic intelligence 4.bodily/kinesthetic intelligence 5.spatial intelligence 6.intrapersonal intelligence (understanding oneself) 7.interpersonal intelligence (understanding others) 8.naturalistic intelligence (relating to nature, classifying natural forms)
Grab a laptop Go to my website Quiz and notebook check tomorrow
Multiple Intelligences Video maM Reflection: Do you feel the Intelligence Test was accurate for you? Why? Why not?
Knowing how: skills of thinking + acting While Gardner’s categories are debated, IB accepts the 8 intelligences as a non-rigorous identification of human abilities, in all of which it is possible for individuals to be highly skilled. However, all thinking skills are useless unless they are applied- you have to think critically about something.
Second distinction: three kinds of knowledge 3. Knowing that…: knowledge claims Knowledge claims = what we say we know This includes assertions of many different kinds (i.e. factual report- TOK is a subject in the IB diploma program, statements of values and other declarations of beliefs- Deliberately hurting someone is deplorable)
Knowing that…: knowledge claims Much of what we know we’ll never put into words. It may be too personal or too trivial. When you do put into words what you know, you are making a knowledge claim.
Knowing that…: knowledge claims A knowledge claim is: expressed in language an assertion presented as being true (even if questionable or later proven false) not solely information or factual statements, it includes opinions and beliefs
How do they know? What combination of ways of knowing does the man use as he learns to play the violin? What combination of kinds of knowledge is he developing - experience, skills, knowledge claims? To what extent would you say that he is gaining personal knowledge, and to what extent shared knowledge? Shared knowledge + personal knowledge When musicians play in groups, do they use further ways of knowing or perhaps a different combination of ways, from learning and playing on their own?
Knowledge Claim Activity Read and complete the Discussion Activity on page 44 (orange box). When you have completed your knowledge claims, share your claims. Be prepared to share these with the class.