C OVER L ETTERS Purpose : Message to an employer expressing interest in a job and politely requesting an interview. The word “please” does not automatically make it polite! Format : Typed, Block Letter Format (left justified) Professional language ed or dropped off in person, with a resume.
B LOCK L ETTER FORMAT Date (sending the letter/resume) Contact Name, Position Company Name Company Address Dear Mr./Ms. Smith (never put “to whom it may concern) If you do not know the information above… call/ Human Resources to find out!!
Opening: (2 sentence paragraph) Interest, specific position, how you heard about the opening, and reason for writing. Body: (3-5 sentence paragraph) Basic qualifications Use words from the classified ad: fast paced, reliable, team player, etc… Any experience or skills that would help you succeed in that position Classes, GPA, bilingual, etc… Any highlights of your career. Employee of the month, attendance award, etc… Closing: (1-2 sentence paragraph) Polite request of an interview. “I’d be happy to provide more information in a formal interview.” Contact info. Best times to call, address, phone number Professional names! M ESSAGE D ETAILS
S IGNATURE Polite closing and final request of action “Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.” Sincerely, Enter 4 times, between sincerely and your typed name, for your signature. (Sign your letter in BLUE or BLACK INK if printing and hand delivering) (Use a script/signature font for your name if you are sending electronically) Type your Name & address Make note at the bottom you’ve attached your resume ( Enc: resume)
DoDo Not Send to specific person Use "Ms." to address a woman unless you know that she prefers "Miss" or "Mrs." Keep your letter to one page… 3 brief paragraphs Customize your letter to the position and mention words found on the advertisement of the job (requirements) Show confidence and enthusiasm Use a variety of valuable action verbs Proofread your letter Send your resume without a letter Send written material with typos or smudges Be negative Tell employers what they can do for you Rehash your resume or include too much detail Say anything about your lack of experience Include false or unproven claims about your abilities
December 10, 2013 Mr. Carl Jones, Owner Good Food Inc. 705 North Oak Street Wylie, TX Dear Mr. Jones, I am extremely interested in the restaurant server position advertised in today’s Wylie News. I would like very much to discuss this opening with you in person. The enclosed resume outlines my qualifications which meet those indicated in the advertisement. I have 2 years of service experience at Hearty’s Home Cooking, where I was awarded Employee of the Month three times last year. My ability to multitask, entertain others, and work well with fellow employees should allow me to make a positive contribution to your company. Please call me any day after 3:00pm at (214) to arrange a personal interview, or leave a message at (214) Monday or Friday afternoons work well with my schedule, or another time can be arranged at your convenience. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Susan Andrews address Phone # Address Enc: Resume