1 Pre-Independence Laws: PRIVATE CAPITAL Constitution (1950); IDR Act (1951); IPR (1956); MRTP Act, 1969; State Ownership Reserved Lists & Licensing Post 1991 PRIVATE CAPITAL & PPP Economic Regulation Private Ownership Reasonable return on investt. Economic regulation Level playing field Single window approach: FIPB, NHAI Act, TRAI Act, Electricity Act, SEZ Act, etc Evolution of Governing Framework
2 MRTP Act vs Competition Act MRTP Act 1.Adjudicatory body 2.Deeming provisions 3.Pre-economic analysis a discretion 4.Mergers are not within the domain 5.Size of enterprises is frowned upon 6.Complainants are limited 7.International co-operation and Effects doctrine are not available 8.Law could not be promoted 9.Public interest 10.Others [Role of DG, absence of Leniency programme etc.] Competition Act (CA) 1.Market Regulator 2.Rule of reason 3.Pre-economic analysis is mandatory 4.M&A is one of the important functions 5.Size is not bad but its abuse is 6.Except Defence, Space & Currency – all commercial activities are within the ambit of the Law 7.They are available 8.Statutory advocacy role 9.More filters 10.Others [enhanced role of DG, availability of Leniency etc.]
3 Dominant position Ability to operate independent of competitive forces prevailing in the relevant market Affect its competitor/consumers/relevant market Abuse of dominant position Imposing unfair or discriminatory conditions Predatory pricing, limit production, deny market access Contracts contingent on supplementary obligation Use dominance in one market to move into or protect other relevant market (product & geography) Abuse of Dominance RULE OF REASON … TARGET ABUSE, NOT DOMINANCE
4 Market share of the enterprise Size or Resources of enterprise Size & importance of competitors Economic power of enterprise Vertical integration of enterprises or their network Dependence of consumers Market structure & size of market Entry barriers Monopoly/Dominance due to statute/govt. sanction Social obligation/costs Relative competitive advantage: development vs adverse effect on competition Dominance FACTORS IN THE RELEVANT MARKET
5 Cartel Association of producers, sellers, distributors, traders or service providers who By inter-se agreement limit, control or attempt to limit/control the production, sale or price of or trade in goods /services Cartels