AED Elections
AED Elections—Exec Board President Oversee AED functions Vice President Assist President; public relations, assist fundraising and speaker/open house chair(s) Treasurer Deal with AED funds; banquet; event funding; membership dues
AED Elections—Exec Board Secretary Meeting minutes; weekly attendance points Member Relations Service/Social points; works with service and social committees
AED Elections—Exec Reqs President: Served on AED executive board Vice President: Served as exec or committee head Treasurer: Served as exec or committee head Secretary: In AED at least 1 year Member Relations: In AED at least 1 year
AED Elections—Committees/Reqs Service (3) Social (3) Fundraising (2) Speaker/Open House (2) Relay for Life (2) Webmaster (1) *No requirements to be on a committee!*
AED Elections -To run for a position, please fill out the appropriate application ( ed out) -You may run for more than one position (a cascading ballot) -You may not run for election if you are on probation -Elections will take place on April 23 rd -Send all questions to Josh Trebach
Upcoming Events!
Social Events Moe’s Social – 4/ PM at Moe’s (flyer for discount will be sent by ) Moe’s Social #2 – 4/12 !!!!! Grey’s Anatomy – 4/23 - After regular meeting Picnic/Barbeque – 4/28 -11:30 AM – 1 PM, Eggleston Quad
Service Events Ronald McDonald House, 4/6 and 4/13 Bagel Binge for Autism at Panera Bread, 4/6 6-8 PM $15 for all you can eat Sign up at this link: Relay for life (multiple opportunities)
Ongoing Opportunities Donate Blood VT Rescue Ride-alongs Volunteer at Humane Society Call ahead for groups larger than 3! Micah’s Backpack Contact Sarah Bayliff to participate! Every Thursday