Announcement Thursday, February 11, 2016 a.In honor of Valentine’s Day - Red shirts and dress code pants b.Afterschool Happy Hearts Dance i.Commons Area ii.3:00 - 5:00 p.m. iii.$5.00 per person (Dance & Food) iv.Students must show Parent Permission Slip at the door to get in the dance. Any questions, please see your ASB Advisors: -Ms. Helstrom and/or Ms. Phillips
Announcement 1.The CELDT Results are in! 2.Students will be issued a report. Please hand out the reports to the students 3.Students that are indicated with “L” and are not issued a report, a.teacher, please Miss Hammer the names of the students.
African American History Why do we celebrate African American History Month?
History We celebrate African American History month in February. It all started with Negro History week started in This is a big celebration because all the African Americans, like Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr, Mae Jemison,and more, have helped the US gain the freedom we deserve and our justice we have earned!
Why do we celebrate? Without help from our past, segregation would still be a thing. For those who don't know SEGREGATION is something that pulls you apart from other people/ things. An example was like Rosa Parks on the Public bus. She stood up for herself and said no because she wanted to sit down and not let the white person. This is a very famous event that happened in our history that got us a step closer from being free from segregation.
Black History month is a month where we celebrate all the African Americans that helped us throughout our history. From segregation to letting us sit on a bus this month is all about the Africans that stood up for themselves even if it meant to be locked up.
Black History Month-Famous figures Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was assassinated after trying to stop segregation and have equal rights for all colors of skin. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated as well after giving a speech of a dream he had of having equal rights for all men,women, and children. Rosa Parks Rosa parks was arrested after standing up for herself on a public bus after a white person tried to make her stand from her seat so they could sit. She disobeyed and they arrested her. Jackie Robinson Jackie Robinson was segregated from his own baseball team because he was black. They still let him play but not let him eat,sleep,or drink from the same fountain from the other players.
President Roosevelt was the one that decided to put the Civil Rights Act into action. He thought it would be the best idea for all people that were with segregation. Civil Rights Act The Civil Act of 1964 is a landmark piece of civil rights legislation in the United States that outlawed discrimination based on race,color, religion, sex, or national origin.
Martin Luther King J.R Martin Luther King, Jr. January 15, Died April 4, 1968 (aged 39) from assassination.They hated him because of his speech. And after all he won the fight!
Famous African-Americans ➔ 1.Martin Luther King J.R ➔ 2.Rosa Parks ➔ 3.Harriet Tubman ➔ 4.Mae Jemison ➔ 5.Nat Turner ➔ 6.Frederick Douglass ➔ 7.Jackie Robinson ➔ 8.George Washington Carver ➔ 9.William H. Carney ➔ 10.Booker T. Washington
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Thank you to Jannae Hernadez and Gabriela Rodriguez (right) for creating this power point! Thank you to the Yearbook Staff for your efforts to create our College Prep lesson.