Radicals (Square Roots)
= 11 = 4 = 5 = 10 = 12 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 2
What happens if we do not have a perfect square? Steps: 1.Break it down 2.Find factors one must be a perfect square 3.Take the square root of the perfect square and leave the other under the radical sign
= = = = = = = = = = Perfect Square Factor * Other Factor LEAVE IN RADICAL FORM
= = = = = = = = = = Perfect Square Factor * Other Factor LEAVE IN RADICAL FORM
+ To combine radicals: combine the coefficients of like radicals
Simplify each expression
Example 1:
Simplify each expression
* To multiply radicals: multiply the coefficients and then multiply the radicands and then simplify the remaining radicals.
Multiply and then simplify
To divide radicals: divide the coefficients, divide the radicands if possible, and rationalize the denominator so that no radical remains in the denominator
This cannot be divided which leaves the radical in the denominator. We do not leave radicals in the denominator. So we need to rationalize by multiplying the fraction by something so we can eliminate the radical in the denominator. 42 cannot be simplified, so we are finished.
This can be divided which leaves the radical in the denominator. We do not leave radicals in the denominator. So we need to rationalize by multiplying the fraction by something so we can eliminate the radical in the denominator.
This cannot be divided which leaves the radical in the denominator. We do not leave radicals in the denominator. So we need to rationalize by multiplying the fraction by something so we can eliminate the radical in the denominator. Reduce the fraction.