Research Activity Administered in support of San Diego State University Fiscal Year
Proposals Submitted 1,042 Awards Received $127,432,258 Total Contracts & Grants Expenditures $122,467,538 Revenues Administered $ 219,160,000* * Preliminary figure
ARRA Activity Included* Total Number of Awards Number of PIs Percentage Number of Awards Total Number of Proposals Number of Proposers Percentage Number of Proposals Total Dollar Amount of Awards Percentage Dollars of Awards Received F&A Dollars Awarded Number of T/TT Faculty Award Dollars per T/TT # of Awards # of Proposals Award $sF&A $s Arts and Letters % %6,026,7094.7%1,508, ,577 Business Administration %1351.2%5,057,0354.0%708, ,902 Education % %14,635, %1,263, ,775 Engineering % %4,091,8733.0%919, ,539 Health & Human Services % %42,572, %6,367, , ,34046,467 Professional Studies & Fine Arts % %1,335,4721.0%232, ,676 Sciences % %39,667, %8,243, ,6961 5,0001,655 Imperial Valley Campus %2071.9%2,870,2852.3%406, ,393 Student Affairs330.4%44 287,5100.2%19,465 0 Extended Studies2212.9%2332.2%1,562,1141.2%88,421 0 KPBS1051.3%1061.0%3,204,3642.5%62,999 0 Institutional3073.9% %6,121,9074.8%456,131 0 TOTAL %1, %127,432,258100%20,277, , ,34048,122 Awards Received on Behalf of San Diego State University FY * ARRA (American Recovery & Reinvestment Act) **Institutional includes Aztec Shops, Business & Financial Affairs, Graduate & Research Affairs, Academic Affairs, and Navy Student Services, Undergrad Studies
Total Revenues Administered ($ in Millions) Fiscal Year Ending * Preliminary figure for FY 12
Dollar Amount of Awards ($ in Millions) Fiscal Year Ending
Award Dollars Including F&A ($ in Millions) Fiscal Year Ending
Number of Proposals and Awards 1, Fiscal Year Ending 1,102 1,104 1, ,111 1, , ,239 1, , , ,
Fiscal Year Ending 1,1111,0941,104 1,2391,240 1,0441,042 Number of Tenured/Tenured Track Faculty vs. Proposals Submitted
SDSU Research Foundation Sponsored Programs Expenditures by Funding Source Federal Direct -- 55% $66,919,116 Federal Pass- Through State – 15% $18,665,939 Federal Pass- Through Other – 7% $8,789,790 State – 7% $8,272,611 Foundations – 6% $7,888,427 Local/For Profit/International – 3% $3,100,896 Other Non-Profits – 7% $8,830,758 Total : $122,467,538