Regional Workshop on SoE water quantity reporting of ETC/ICM with West Balkan Countries Skopje January 2013
Water resources Water availability: Average flow of 40 l/s/km ² Volume about 19.5 km ³/ year m ³ of water per capita per year 2
Water resources Montenegro is reach in water, even by world standards Besides water resources about 35% of territory suffering from chronic lack of water About 10% of territory is faced with the problem of seasonal water supply 3
Stream flow station The total number of currently active stream flow stations per Black sea basin is 14. The total number of currently active stream flow stations per Adriatic sea basin is 11. The total number of currently active precipitation stations for the Black sea basin area are 20. The total number of currently active precipitation stations for the Adriatic sea basin area are 20. The total number of currently active reservoirs per RBD is 2 per Black sea basin area. The total number of currently active reservoirs per RBD is 2 per Adriatic sea basin area. 4
Data availability The data of areal precipitation is collected in time period of The data about stream flow (Q) at selected gauges is available for period Data about groundwater level at selected wells is available in period from The data for total volume of freshwater abstraction for public water supply systems (from SW+GW) is available for period from Frequency of processed water quantity data is more frequent than annually. In Hydrometeorological Institute exist Data base DOS and HYDRAS data base. 5
Adriatic sea basin catchment and Black sea basin catchment and Adriatic sea basin catchment 6
Conclusion Water quantity dataflow process be improved with forming of monitoring network to the number of stations adopted by Master plan of hydrological stations in Montenegro – 51 station. We hope that we will have hydrological Year book on the basis of observed and measured data. Water information system is prescribed by Law, but no funds allocated to established it.(doesn t exist). 7