DO NOW: READ PAGE 97. WHO WERE THE “MUD ANGELS”? Chapter 9 ~ “Christians of the Early Middle Ages: A.D ”
Chapter 9 : Lesson 1 Monasteries are established throughout the Christian World. Monastic Life: a life dedicated to prayer, work, study, and the needs of society. Monastery: a place where monks or nuns live. Evangelical Counsels: poverty, chastity, and obedience
Chapter 9 - Lesson 1 Anthony of Egypt brought together a group of hermits to live in community. Basil the Great of the east developed a “rule of life.” Under his rule, monks vowed to practice the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Benedict of Nursia of the west, building on Basil’s work, established his rule of “pray and work” – Ora et labora Scholastica, Benedict’s sister started a monastery for nuns. Bernard of Claivaux started the Cistercian order of monks. His monks followed a strict rule of prayer, manual labor, and service to others. Monasteries preserved Christianity in the empire.
Chapter 9 - Lesson 1 Question: What would you like about living a monastic life? What would you find most difficult? Explain in a two paragraph essay.