There is no God… …so says the fool, Psa. 14:1 No Creator No Truth No Judgment No Savior
The honest man knows there is a Creator, Heb. 3:4 Supreme Being Judgment Savior Truth, Jn. 17:17
Written over about 1500 years First writing around 1400 BC – Before Christ Last writing around 96 AD – Anno Domini Time period *Beginning of Creation: 4000 BC, Gen. 1:1 *Close of Apostolic Age: 96 AD, Rev. 1:9
66 Books written by about 40 men Moses David Isaiah Jonah Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Peter Etc.
Written in different times, cultures, nations Exodus, Kings, Captivity, Occupation Egyptian influence, Jewish, Babylonian, Roman
Written in three languages Hebrew Aramaic Greek
In spite of all these factors, The Bible has one unified message God is Creator, Gen. 1:1, 26; Psa. 33:6, 9; Heb. 11:3 Man is lost, Gen. 3:6; Psa. 53:3; Rom. 3:23 Savior needed, Gen. 3:15; Isa. 53:4, 5; Acts 4:10-12
Author When WrittenEarliest CopyTime SpanNo. of Copies Caesar B.C.900 A.D.1,000 yrs10 Plato B.C.900 A.D.1,200 yrs7 Tacitus100 A.D.1100 A.D.1,000 yrs20 Pliny A.D.850 A.D.750 yrs7 Thucydides B.C.900 A.D.1,300 yrs8 Herodotus B.C.900 A.D.1,300 yrs8 Sophocles B.C.1000 A.D.1,400 yrs193 Aristotle B.C.1100 A.D.1,400 yrs49 Homer – Iliad 900 B.C.400 B.C.500 yrs643 NT A.D.125 A.D.25 yrs24,000 +
NT has over 24,000 copies from ancient times Over 5,300 Greek Over 10,000 Latin Over 4,000 Slavic
Text in Question Iliad: 15,600 lines, 764 questioned = 4.89% NT: 20,000 lines, 40 questioned = 0.2%
External evidence Josephus, Jewish historian, & John the baptist *Named *Herod’s arrest, imprisonment, execution *His influence by preaching among the Jews
External evidence Archeological *Erastus pavement stone, Rom. 16:23 *“Synagogue of the Hebrews” inscription found in housing district, Acts 18:4-7 *Luke mentioned 32 countries 54 cities 9 Mediterranean islands 95 people
The OT is inspired of God, 2 Pt. 1:20, 21 Claims *Moses “The LORD said” 45 times in Exodus *David, 2 Sam. 23:1, 2
The OT is inspired of God, 2 Pt. 1:20, 21 Proof in prophecy *Nations, Dan. 2:39, 40; Isa. 10:5, 6; 2 Kgs. 17:5, 6 *People, 1 Kgs. 13:1, 2; 2 Kgs. 23:15, 16; Isa. 44:28; Ezra 1:1-4 *Christ, Gen. 3:15; Gal. 4:4; Dan. 2:44; Lk. 2:1; Psa. 22:16; Lk. 24:39
The NT is inspired of God Claims *Jesus, Jn. 16:13 *Luke, Acts 2:4 *Paul, Gal. 1:12 *Peter, 2 Pt. 3:15, 16
The NT is inspired of God Proof *Previous points *Miracles, Mk. 16:20 *Jesus: lived, died, resurrected Testimony of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
Translation does not affect inspiration OT Greek translation Septuagint (LXX) Quoted by Jesus, apostles, & prophets *Mt. 22:31, 32; Ex. 3:6 *Heb. 1:5; Psa. 2:7 *Acts 28:26, 27; Isa. 6:9, 10
The Bible is the inspired word of God: Truth If not, it is a fraud If not, reject it If not, there is no truth If not, we are utterly & hopelessly lost