The Gateway Computational Web Portal Marlon Pierce Indiana University March 15, 2002
Portal Overview Computational Web Portals provide ubiquitous access to HPC resources You can log in anywhere through any web browser. Portals simplify the use of HPCs for novice users. Basics: batch script generation, job submission and monitoring, file transfer Computational grid services: Globus, Condor Portals can simplify the use of unfamiliar codes (ex: FDTD). Provide a work management environment for all users. You can see what you did last week.
Gateway Gateway is a computational web portal project funded through HPCMO’s PET program. Our goal is to provide building block components that can be used to build specific portals. We also develop browser-based interfaces for Basic services like file transfer Input file creation and job submission for specific codes, including ANSYS and FDTD. Data plotting applications like gnuplot and Matlab.
Gateway Services Building block portal services Secure authentication, access control File uploading, downloading, and transfer Session archiving Batch script generation Job submission Job monitoring Shared visualization All services are accessible through a browser. Particular applications may require additional custom modules.
Portal Design Gateway is built using JavaServer Pages (JSP) and JavaBeans. Basic services are built out of one or more JavaBean components. Components are included in the web pages. Example: Authentication Portal data types defined in XML
Gateway Architecture
Example Service: Batch Script Generation User selects a particular code, machine, and resource requests. We extend abstract base class for particular queues (GRD, PBS, …) Factory creates appropriate queue for your request.
Gateway Data Types Users Name, , Kerberos principal,… Applications How to run a code (general) Host machines How to run a code on a specific machine Service descriptors How to invoke a particular service (use WSDL now) We are looking to standardize within the GGF.
ANSYS Portal Developed with specific set of users in mind: PC-based, experienced ANSYS users New to Unix, HPC, Kerberos,…. Basic usage: User has ANSYS on his PC, develops his grid there. Uploads DB file using Gateway, submits to the desired machine, monitors execution, and downloads output files when done. Gateway securely performs remote file transfer, submission, monitoring at the user’s request. Running at DoD computing centers.
Further Information For more information, contact Marlon Pierce: For more presentations and papers, see