FICTION Imaginary- made up Not an actual event Realistic fiction- realistic, but did not actually happen NONFICTION Fact, true Event that really happened Informational POETRY A form of literary art Characterized by creative imagery Many different styles of poetry Not all poems rhyme
To me poetry is a way of expressing yourself. Poetry puts words together in a way that forms music. The writing flows in a way that draws the reader in. Poets use comparisons such as metaphors, and similes to explain ideas and make you think.
Dino Pals By Bennett Kraemer Stegosaurus and Kentrosaurus are very much the same Both of them are taller then a Great Dane, They both eat plants, They both hate ants. They both like trees, They both hate bees. They are very much the same, And neither of them is very tame.
My Favorite Dinosaur My favorite dinosaur is Velocivaptor. He’s my favorite because he’s super fast. He has two large back talons for slashing prey. Velocivaptors hunt in packs, and can hunt large prey such as Triceratops. Velocivaptor is a deadly beast.