NONFICTION AND FICTION Elements of Literature
Literature about made-up characters and events. It is storytelling that emerges from an author’s imagination. Can use facts FICTION Prose writing that explains ideas or describes real places, people, and events. Nonfiction is writing presented as fact. NONFICTION
Short Story – A work that can generally be read in one sitting and focuses on one or two main characters Novel – A longer work, often with many characters and a complex story line, usually divided into sections or chapters. Novella – A work that is longer and more complex than a short story but shorter and less complex than a novel Works of literary nonfiction may use the same literary elements as fiction and be just as artful as poetry. Functional texts serve practical purposes only. Examples: Recipes, manuals, schedules, etc. FORMS OF LITERATURE Fiction Nonfiction
Theme – messages or insights about life Example from Beauty and the Beast: Real beauty comes from a noble heart. Central or Main Ideas are the key arguments, positions, or points writers communicate in works of literary nonfiction. Author’s Purpose – to inform, explain, entertain, or persuade. MAIN POINTS Fiction - Themes Nonfiction – Main ideas
ELEMENTS OF FICTION Title – The name of a story Statements and Observations – asserts an idea, usually presented by a character or the narrator Characters – the people, animals, or things who take part in the action of the story Setting – the time and place of the action in a story
ELEMENTS OF FICTION Symbols – Any story element (whether an object, a person, an action, or an image) that has both a literal and a deeper meaning Conflict – the struggle the characters face Plot – the sequence of events in a story
ELEMENTS OF NONFICTION Facts – are statements that can be proved true Most grocery stores carry a variety of fruits and vegetables. Observations – are eyewitness accounts of experiments or events Adding vinegar to baking soda causes a chemical reaction. Statistics - numerical data Girls account for 47 percent of all high school soccer players. Personal experience – the author’s own lived experience Riding the rapids was a great adventure.
ELEMENTS OF NONFICTION Expert testimony – information provided by an authoritative person Biologist George Tillman estimates that 50,000 species go extinct every year. Anecdotes – brief stories that illustrate a point My mother insisted I get out on the ice and skate. “Falling down is part of life,” she said. Examples – specific illustrations of a general concept Hybrid flowers are popular. The “Peace” rose is a favorite among gardeners. Analogies - are comparisons of seemingly unlike situations to show similarities Alice’s moods are like a rocket. They go from warm to explosive in seconds.