President’s Presentation This will provide the requirements you will need for this President Report.
Vocabulary Define the following words and add any that you may find you think someone else might need to know. 1.Term of Office 2.Incumbent 3.Cabinet of President 4.Electoral College 5.Lobbies 6.Political Parties 7.Candidates 8.Inauguration 9.Democracy 10.Representative 11.Debate 12.Political Convention 13.Political Platform 14.Nomination 15.Ballot
It will Start with which President you have chosen. That means put his name in the above box and you name in this box.
His Picture Slide Put the source in the Notes box below the slide.
History of Family Two or three slide about the president’s family. Include slides and Pictures of his Family if you can find them. Don’t forget to footnote the source of the information and pictures.
Tell me about his Vice President This slide will provide information on the President’s number 2 man. His Vice President. Find his picture too. Don’t forget footnotes on your source.
History Of the World Explain what was happening in the other countries. Like was there a war going on or did we not get along with some other country.
History of the United States Explain what was happening in the United States, where we in a war or depression, Describe what was happening.
President’s Official Biography This tells me about what he did as president it should not have his life biography as the next slide will ask for that. This slide will list some of the details about the decisions he made in office. Explain how it may have helped or hurt the people of the country.
Full Life Biography This will have where and when he was born. Where they grew up and what schools they went to. Also, what other jobs they had before they became President. Include his death, if dead where he is buried. Just Facts
End Summary This will explain what you have learned about the president you have reported on and your opinion about the time that he served. Was he a president that was good for the country or did people get hurt by the decisions he made. Maybe both explain what you mean in this slide.