Registration and Profiling Haiti Inter-Cluster Meeting 10 February 2010
Registration vs. Profiling Two different ways of collecting population data Registration data is collected for an entire population (or specific sub-population) Profiling data is collected from a sample of the population (and can be extrapolated) Profiling collects and extrapolates the demographic characteristics of the target population, and other required data disaggregated by location, type of location, gender and age. Registration normally collects a smaller dataset used for specific programmes
Context Most actors have an urgent need for demographic and socio-economic data, per location and type of location. Current data is sporadic, not systematic in approach, overlapping, difficult to compare, and difficult to measure progress against. Data is collected by a wide range of actors with no harmonisation/complementarity of tools and methods. Registration is being implemented in some locations, but no systematic approach Need for clarification of roles and responsibilities and stakeholders
Profiling - Outcome Agreed upon figures, and core dataset; improve the availability and quality of quantitative data; Accurate estimation of the affected population disaggregated by (i) gender, (ii) age and (iii) type of location; Accurate estimation of the population per current situation (needs) and future intentions (requirements); Possibility to provide an overview and baseline information of the needs per sector i.e. Shelter, Water, Sanitation, Health, Access to Assistance and Mobility; Prioritization of interventions and plans and monitoring of progress against the baseline information.
Profiling - Methodology Household interviews for a sample of 2000 households Stratified cluster sampling approach per: (i) “Departement” (ii) Type of location Phases: (i) Counting the Universe (ii) Sampling and Interviewing (iii) Analysis and Reporting Budget: Staff / Training / Office Timeline: 6-10 weeks
Profiling – Way forward Is it a need? Decision to conduct it? Who? Way forward? Framework of the exercise - Suggestions: CCCM or Protection Clusters? Intercluster? Budget? The modalities of the participatory approach, who will do what?: * Contracting * Leadership * Management * Implementation The use of the data? The ownership of the data?
Registration Government responsibility, implementation can be delegated to partners Provides specific information linked directly to the household or individual Data is collected for all individuals/HH Provides a common baseline dataset Used for monitoring and delivery of assistance to particular individuals/HH (inside and outside sites) Used for management of sites Used for management of entitlement cards Registration data is used by multiple actors
Registration Need for inter-cluster coordination and ownership If registration will take place outside planned sites a strategy is needed Registration outside sites does not fall under the CCCM Cluster per se Registration data is used by multiple clusters There should be an agreed minimum standard data set and standard format including coding in order to compare and aggregate data The minimum dataset should be agreed upon between stakeholders to ensure sufficient data is collected to filter for assistance criteria, but kept to household level registration (at this stage) Important to avoid registration becomes a pull factor for people to go into planned sites