Major Religions in Europe SS6G11
Standard SS6G11: The Student will describe the cultural characteristics of Europe B. Describe the major religions in Europe; include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Three Major Religions Judaism Christianity Islam
Judaism Founder: Abraham Date: 2000 BC Followers called: Jews
Judaism Holy Book: Torah Number of followers: 15 Million Torah is the 1 st five books of Moses Torah Scroll
Judaism Three main types: Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform Nearly wiped out in Europe by Hitler and Nazi Germany Concentration Camp
Christianity Founder: Jesus Christ Date: 30 A.D. Followers called: Christians
Christianity Holy Book: Bible Number of followers: 2.1 Billion 1 St five books of Moses make up the 1 St five books of the bible
Christianity 3 Major Groups: Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant Protestants include: Anglicans, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Christianity is the largest religion by followers and is in most parts of the world
Islam Founder: Muhammad Date 610 A.D. Followers called: Muslims
Islam Holy Book: Koran Number of followers: 1.3 Billion Muslims believe that Muhammad was the last of the prophets which include Abraham and Jesus
Islam Two largest groups include: Sunnis and Shiites Main religion of Middle East, North Africa, and Asia Number of followers growing at a fast rate 5 pillars of Islam: 1)Prayer, 2)giving to charity, 3)belief in one God, 4)fasting during Ramadan, and 5)a trip to Mecca once in a lifetime
B.C. to A.D. Timeline Calendars uses the birth of Christ as a way of dating history events
History of Religion in Europe Wars fought because of Religion Crusades- Military expeditions sent by the Christian pope to capture the Holy land from Muslim Turks Crusades