The Spine and Posture
Structure and Function of the Spine mation mation mation html html html
Motions of the Spinal Column ml ml ml Flexion approximates the anterior vertebral bodies and separates the spinous processes Extension approximates the spinous processes and the anterior vertebral bodies separate Side bending Rotation Compression/ Distraction Anterior/Posterior/Lateral Shear
Posture Assessment A plumb line is used as a reference point. The line should fall: slightly anterior to the lateral malleolus, just anterior to the axis of the knee joint, through the greater trochanter (just posterior to the axis of the hip), through the bodies of the lumbar and cervical vertebrae, through the shoulder joint, and through the lobe of the ear. Figure 14.1 Kisner & Colby page 384
Muscles of Spinal Stabilization
Extensors: 1) Erector Spinae Group; Lateral Flexors: 2) Quadratus Lumborum, 3) Intertransversarii 4) External Obliques, 5) Multifidus
Postures 1. Correct posture 2. Hollow ‘sway’ back 3. Flat pelvis 4. Slumping posture 5. Military posture 6. Round Shoulders 7. Correct Posture 8. High Shoulder 9. High hip 10. Head tilt 11. Severe Scoliosis
Faulty Postures
Common Faulty Postures
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Stretching Techniques for Common Mobility Impairments
Stretching Techniques for Common Muscle Impairments
Stretching Techniques for Common Mobility Impairments
Training/Strengthening Techniques for Common Muscle Impairments
Quadratus lumborum stabilization training using closed-chain side- propping (A) on the elbow and knee and (B) on the hand and foot.
Anterior Pelvic Tilt