Banker Training Material SchoolBank Champs Duration: 15 min To be done by Banker Himself
My Savings a)Needs and Wants b)Saving Money c)My Account d)Saving Resources Our Community a)Our Rights b)Rights in Community c)Our Clean Community d)Recycling Our Enterprise a)Teamwork b)Choosing an Enterprise Idea c)Enterprise versus Child Labour My Life Goals Our Financial Management a)Intro to Budgeting b)Budgeting to Save c)Financial Responsibility d)Action Planning Unit :2 Unit :3 Unit :1 Unit :4 What is SchoolBank Champs? SchoolBank Champs is a Financial Literacy Program where each Branch will adopt one school in their vicinity and conduct a 4 day Financial Literacy Course. The Banker will go to school only 3 times during the whole course. The School Teachers will conduct the 4 classes training to students using Flipchart Course Curriculum
Program Execution Process School Adoption Each Bank Branch Will Adopt a School Teacher Training The School teacher will be trained through 20 min presentation course. Student Training The teachers will train the Students using a presentation and Flipchart Account Opening The Accounts of the students will be opened by the bankers.
What’s in it for Stakeholders? Stakeholders Interest Children - Learn Financial Literacy - Open Accounts - Start to Save Teachers - Exposed to Financial literacy - Life Changing course for students Bankers - Open Accounts - Ensure that students start transacting
Roles of Bankers 1 Coordination with School Talking to Principal, Convincing them about the program, ensuring that the program is taken seriously by the teachers. 2 Training the Teacher T eachers will be trained using ppt or flipchart and equip them to teach the students. 3 Opening Bank Accounts for Students and Facilitate Savings T he Bank Accounts will be opened and debit cards will be given to students. They will explain about their use and safety. The Bankers will facilitate and encourage the children to save. 5 Quiz and Goodies Distribution The Banker on completion of the course will distribute the goodies to the students and give awards.
Visit Plan for Banker: Day 0 – Mapping Activities: Expected Outcomes: – A complete roadmap and detail of when and what class will be conducted. – The Dates and times of further visits are finalised – A facility for the teachers training for 20 min will be decided. – He also makes sure that the school takes it seriously The Banker will visit a school in their vicinity, meet the Principal and explain about SchoolBank Champs Explain to Principal He will coordinate with the Principal and set up the next meeting. Set up Next Meeting
Communication about SchoolBank to Principal SchoolBank Champs is a Financial Literacy Program which their teachers can teach to the students. Introduction This will help the school children become more financially independent and hence more successful in future Motivation This will not take a lot of time. It’s a 4 session course Short Duration The School will be recognized as a Financial Literacy Center of Excellence Benefits
Visit Plan for Banker: Day 1 Activities: Expected Outcomes: – The teachers know why to teach this and are motivated – The teachers know how to use the content material to teach the students – The teachers know what are the key points that the students should understand. Introduce the SchoolBank Champs and train the Teachers using the Teacher Training Material Teacher Training The Banker will give one flipchart of Student Training Material to each teacher Give flipcharts If possible can also meet all the children and introduce the SchoolBank Champs. Also tell them about the prizes to be won in competition after the course. Meet Students
Important Communications to Teachers Motivating Teachers: Communicate motivations clearly to Teachers as to why they should do this course: Financial Independence for Students will be life changing Smarter Self-Dependent Students A small size of course that can easily be consumed Active Learning Methods: The Course uses Active Learning. Features of Active Learning The teacher talks little while the major discussions are done by students The focus is on learning by doing, hence small activities to engage the students can be done. Some of the activities need to be coordinated properly. Details about those activities need to be communicated and demonstrated properly to teachers.
Visit Plan for Banker: Day 2 Activities: Expected Outcomes: – The Students accounts gets opened up, and they get a Passbook/Debit Card – Children are motivated towards savings and they can save The banker will go and open the accounts of the students Account Opening If possible can meet the students and ask them what they learnt on SchoolBank Champs Progress Update
Important Communications to Students Pre-notify Opening Accounts It is best to pre-notify your visit for opening the accounts to the school, so that the school can announce the students that their accounts will be opened. Account Opening Requirements Before going, notify the school and children about the documents the children have to bring. This will enable you to easily open the accounts in a single visit.
Visit Plan for Banker: Day 3 The Banker will take a small quiz Quiz The Banker will distribute the goodies to the students who have won in the quiz. Goodies Expected Outcomes: - The students are left with good note of the program - The quiz gets finished off properly and the students get goodies. Activities:
Important Points to Note A small Quiz needs to be planned for the students. In case of small schools, you can take the whole school at one go, in case of large schools, you can ask the teachers to conduct the quiz classwise. Quiz You can distribute co-branded goodies to the winners of the quiz. Goodies
Digital Applications For managing the Teachers and others details like attendance and account opening. Web Portal For Mobile Based Management of School and Teachers SchoolBank Manage Android App For the Course and Discussions Champ Money Android App
Using the Web App You (Branch Manager) can go to Click on “Get Started” on the top. On the Screen, enter your phone number, username or id. Remember to enter the phone number or id that you have provided in the mapping.
Using the Web and Mobile App Case 1: If the phone number is given during mapping, then you will get the following screen:
Using the Web App If you login for the first time, you will get the following screen
Using the Web and Mobile App Case 2: If the phone number is not same, or you are not registered you will get the following screen You will need to select Branch Manager in the Dropdown column.
Using the Web and Mobile App In the next screen, Complete the Following Details. Note your request will be sent to the bank admin to approve. Only after approval, you can login. On approval, you will get a message
Using the Web and Mobile App On Completion you will get the following message. Since you have registered as Branch Manager, your approval is sent to Bank Admin. He will look into it and confirm. To expedite the process, please get in touch with the Bank Admin.
Using the Web and Mobile App Once you Login, you will see the following Dashboard.
School Mapping On Clicking School Mapping you will get
School Mapping On Clicking School Mapping you will get Add Class Here Select Class Add Teachers Add Students Open Account Add certificates
Using Champ Money Android App You can download the Champ Money Android App at This application will help you to get the course materials, and also a regular updates in the finance. Just enter your Phone Number or -Id and you will be able to login. In case you are not registered please register. If you are facing any issues, do let us know at