This Season is Labeled… Various holidays filled with candy, thanksgiving, and present sharing. A time when families gather from near and far to spend time with one another.
But, For Many, This Time of Year Pain and sorrow. Loneliness. Anxiety. Depression. Stress. Life/Societal Events
Some (Many?) Christians Even Express Despair Laws eroding a variety of freedoms we’ve enjoyed in our society. Growing persecution against Christians in this country. Rampant immorality. 1 Peter 4:3
So, How Can There Be Joy? Because Jesus’ victory over death means Good News to ALL who want deliverance from this world’s woes. 1 Cor. 15:55-57 Because God celebrated His victory long before the world witnessed it first hand! Psalm 98 Because joy is ultimately achieved not through holiday feel goods, but by sharing Christ with those who need hope found in Christ. Heb. 12:1-3