Exercise Program Administration Includes Exercise program development, conduct, and coordination Building evacuation exercises conducted annually and consistent with Federal regulations [e.g.,(41 CFR )], local ordinances, and National Fire Protection Association Standards Communications systems tested annually with DOE Headquarters, the Cognizant Field Element, and offsite agencies
Exercise Program Administration (cont.) In addition, for hazardous material program facilities Response elements validated within a five-year period Evaluations of annual facility exercises by Departmental entities so that each facility has an external Departmental evaluation at least every three years Exercise objectives that are derived from emergency plans, procedures and training Exercises that are evaluated and critiqued Offsite response organizations invited to participate in site-wide exercises at least once every three years
Exercise Plan Exercises must be fully documented in an exercise plan to include Objectives Scope Timelines Injects Controller instructions Evaluation criteria
After the Exercise The following must occur Evaluation reports must be completed within 30 days Corrective action plans must o Be developed for any findings o Include a verification and validation process o Be incorporated into the emergency management program