The ABC’s of First Grade Ms. Tara C. Simmons
A is for Academics. The foundation for first grade is built upon our Scott Foresman, phonics based reading program, we adhere to a protected reading time each day to give students the best possible instruction, an exciting math program, social studies, and our hands-on science program.
B Is for Behavior Slips and Stamps!!! Students will receive good behavior slips and stamps to spend in our class “treasure chest”. We discuss our class expectations and procedures so that each Fantastic First Grader knows how conduct will be graded.
C Is for Computer enhanced lessons. We have purchased KNOWLEDGE BOX, a program that allows teachers to personalize the activities of her class to coincide with the material being presented on the computer. We also use PowerPoint to create presentations!
D Is for Daily work. We will have a Take Home folder that students will bring home class work, letters, homework sheets, or other information. Please empty ALL papers on the KEEP side of the plastic folder!!
E Is for Energy and Enthusiasm!! First graders are full of energy and enthusiastic about learning. I want to tap into that energy and increase their enthusiasm about our school by providing positive experiences.
F Is for Friends. I want my students to make new friends this year. I believe in nurturing the development of their friendships at an early age. I expect students to be respectful of each other.
G Is for grades. Students will receive grades in reading, spelling, math, conduct, and handwriting. The handout explains our grading more explicitly = A, 91-83=B, 82-74=C, 73-65=D, 64 and below=F
H Is for homework. Homework in first grade should not last more than 15 minutes. This includes the time that it takes to read Accelerated Reader Books together or study for spelling tests.
I Is for Information!!! IS THIS TOO MUCH INFORMATION AT ONCE? Don’t worry, I will send home a weekly newsletter in your child’s Conduct folder on Wednesday!!! We have established our class website to keep you informed.
J Is for Journals. Students write in journals often in first grade. We will not grade these, but this type of writing practice improves sentence structure, and punctuation. Journal binders will be sent home at the end of the year.
K Is for Kindness. I believe that kindness can cure many ills. Your child will receive a double dose of kindness as a student at Montana.
L Is for Listening. Listening is essential to learning. I will encourage my students to listen to me by being willing to listen to their concerns and questions.
M Is for Money Matters. Please send lunch money in the envelopes provided by the school. Send all field trip or other money in envelopes with the amount, purpose for the money and your child’s name written on the front.
N Is for New start! This school year is a new start for your child in first grade. I am looking for to a fabulous year!
O Is for Occasions! We will celebrate Christmas and Valentine’s Day with class parties. Birthdays are special to first graders, if you would like to send a treat on your child’s birthday, let me know!
P Is for Positions and Jobs!!! Students love to have a special position or job to do at school. As the year progresses, each child will have his/her own week as the VIP. You will receive a paper detailing the daily privileges for the VIP.
Q Is for Quiet voices. We will use “marshmallow” lips and toes when through the halls we go. Our principal loves quiet halls!
R Is for READING!!! We will be reading a lot this year!!! We need parents to read with your child at home to reinforce the reading that we are doing at school. Our reading program is geared towards creating skillful readers!
S Is for Shoes and Socks. Please don’t forget to wear your tennis shoes and socks for P.E.
T Is for Thanks! I thank you in advance for your help and support this year!!!
U Is for Understanding. I try to create an understanding atmosphere for first graders and their parents.
V Is for Volunteer. I look forward to seeing you at school. I will develop a Parental Involvement Calendar based on your availability to come to our class. We will need parents to be here for special activities, to read stories, listen to stories, pull resources, assist with parties and field trips!!!!
W Is for Wonderful Weekends with Mickey Mouse! We will complete class book called 21 Wonderful Weekends. Each student will have the opportunity to take Mickey Mouse and the Wonderful Weekend Book home to record the activities that they do with their family that weekend. On Monday, they will share the pages and pictures that they have added to the book!
X Is for X-traordinary. I need some extraordinary individuals to help compile our class scrapbook pictures this year. I have access to get a DVD scrapbook made for us all if we get enough pictures!
Y Is for You! You are the ingredient that makes our recipe for success complete.
Z Is for Zzzz’s. Get plenty of zzzz’s we are going to excellence and beyond in first grade this year!!!