Tyler Lovejoy 3/23/2012 Per:8 Computer# 12
Once there was a 9 year old kid named Alex, he was the bully of the school. Alex bullied everyone for there appearance how they looked and how they dressed. Home from school already? Anyone want some hot dog’s
But one day Alex was messing around in a forest with his friends, other school bully’s. Then a thing fell from the sky and they went to go and see what it was. They found a huge hole in the ground. Alex looked in the hole along with the other kids and saw something. I Wonder what’s in the hole?
Everyone ran in fear of what they saw except for Alex. He went down in the hole and picked up a small furry cat like thing. Alex snuck the green animal in his house without his mom seeing.
Alex fell asleep and woke up from a sound of glass breaking. Alex ran down stairs and saw the animal looking at the floor he cleaned up the glass and took the animal up stairs. Alex said to it “what are u doing in the kitchen you’re a cat”!? The strange cat said “I was looking for some food I’m starving over here”!
Alex jumped away In fear! Alex said “ you can talk”? The cat replied “yes I can talk what do u expect an alien cat to do, by the way my name is Marvin not it” Alex say’s “I did not know you were an alien can I thought u were just a cat”. Marvin says “ well you can’t judge a book by a cover”.
Marvin started seeing Alex making fun of kids at school so Marvin planed a evil plan t get back at Alex. So Marvin went up to Alex’s room while he was at school and painted his whole room pink. Alex walked into his room after school and saw his room was pink! Marvin came into the room and said “hey it looks like Alex is a girl he has pink room”.
Alex was so embarrassed that he ran into his moms room and started crying. Marvin walked into Alex’s moms room and said to Alex “ now you know how you make other kids feel like when you make fun of them”.
Alex went to school the next day and said he was sorry to every kid he made fun of. Now Alex is a very smart kid with all A’s in school and his best friend is one of the kids he made fun of. Marvin disappeared when Alex got home and never saw Marvin again. The End.
Bibliography Free clipart Animations by cartoon cottage, Boy 3/13/ Free clipart Animations by cartoon cottage, Funny Cat 3/13/12http:// Free clipart Animations by cartoon cottage, RIP Tombstone 3/13/12http:// Free clipart Animation by Phillip Martin, Cat, 3/22/12http://farm.phillipmartin.info/farm_cat1.htmhttp://farm.phillipmartin.info/farm_cat1.htm Free clipart Animations by cartoon cottage, Funny people, 3/23/ Free clipart Animations by cartoon cottage, funny people, 3/23/ Music: Free Play Music, 4/4/2012