Presented to Illinois NAHRO August 13, 2015 Jennifer Novak Chan, Secretary, Illinois NAHRO
States, small CDBG grantees (<=$500k), and all PHAs (qualified and non-qualified) submissions are delayed until their appropriate Assessment Tools are approved by OMB, and announced by HUD as available. Sustainable Communities grantees also not required to submit AFH in first stage. PHAs, either alone or collaborating, submit their AFHs every 5 years.
“Geographic Area” MAY be a jurisdiction, region, state, CBSA, or another applicable area, depending on the area served by the program participant. Regionally collaborating participants need not be contiguous, may cross state boundaries, but should be in same CBSA (HUD will allow exceptions)
“Determinants” are now “Contributing Factors” Prioritize contributing factors; give highest priority to factors that limit or deny fair housing choice or access to opportunity or negatively impact fair housing or civil rights compliance.
HUD will review participants’ assessments, prioritization, and goal setting. Program participants have latitude to prioritize their goals and strategies. Preservation activities such as RAD or Choice Neighborhoods may be part of such strategy.
Remove barriers that prevent people from accessing housing in areas of opportunity; Develop affordable housing in areas of opportunity; Effect housing mobility programs*; Effect concerted housing preservation and community revitalization efforts*
*Where any such actions are designed to achieve fair housing outcomes such as reducing disproportionate housing needs; transforming R/ECAPs by addressing effects of segregation coupled with poverty; increasing integration; and increasing access to opportunity such as high-performing schools, transportation and jobs.
“In areas with a history of segregation, if a program participant has the ability to create opportunities outside of the segregated, low- income areas but declines to do so in favor of place-based strategies, there could be a legitimate claim that HUD and its program participants were acting to preclude a choice of neighborhoods to historically segregated groups” Avoid displacement of existing residents in areas experiencing renewed economic growth, housing price appreciation, or disinvestment in existing low-income neighborhoods