Scattering and Interference in Epitaxial Graphene by G. M. Rutter, J. N. Crain, N. P. Guisinger, T. Li, P. N. First, and J. A. Stroscio Science Volume 317(5835): July 13, 2007 Published by AAAS
Fig. 1. STM topographic images of defects in the bilayer epitaxial graphene sample. G. M. Rutter et al. Science 2007;317: Published by AAAS
Fig. 2. Defect scattering in bilayer epitaxial graphene. G. M. Rutter et al. Science 2007;317: Published by AAAS
Fig. 3. Bilayer graphene topography (A) and simultaneous dI/dV maps at sample bias voltages of (B) –31 mV, (C) –13 mV, (D) 1.0 mV, and (E) 21 mV. G. M. Rutter et al. Science 2007;317: Published by AAAS
Fig. 4. (A) Schematic of the 2D Brillouin zone (blue lines), constantenergy contours (green rings) at the K± points, and the two dominant classes of scattering vectors that create the interference patterns. k1 and k2 denote the wave vectors of incident and scattered carriers. G. M. Rutter et al. Science 2007;317: Published by AAAS