Meeting in Valletta Chair of Business and Human Resource Education II Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner EU-StORE: The EU-StORe OER and Learning Scenario Conference January 27th - 29th 2016, Rome Italy The EU-StORe project – Showcases and Scenarios I
Intellectual Outcome 4 3 Activity Code Project Phase TitelDescriptionLeadingWill be completed O4-A1Implementa tion Developing EU-StORe Learning Scenarios with OER All partners will develop learning scenarios with OER together. They will consider the guidelines and quality standards which were developed. ULB O4-A2Implementa tion Developing online handbook for trainers and teachers That handbook supports teachers and trainers by developing online learning resources. IK is responsible for the technical implementation. ULB/ IK O4-A3Implementa tion Best Practice showcases about the integration of OER in curricular structures To spread the idea of OER and get an idea how to use it; there were best practice examples developed. This best practice examples shows how to integrate OER into curricular. The guidelines and standards will be considered. MT O4-A4Implementa tion Writing and publishing the EU-StORe OER- Book The Universities and IK will write articles and chapters about the guidelines and standards of OER, consider research results and gives an overview about the results from the survey. ULB O4-A5Follow- upTranslationsULB
Learning Scenarios 5 Evans and Taylor define scenarios “as stories focused on a user or group of users, which would provide information on the nature of the users, the goals they want to achieve and the context in which the activities will take place. They are written in ordinary language, and are therefore understandable to various stakeholders, including users. They may also contain different degrees of detail.” (Evans & Taylor, 2005; ) A learning scenario should involve all the methods that need to be applied in planned activities within classrooms, the roles of the participants/contributors in the learning procedure (students, teachers, school headmasters and administrators) and the kind of the cooperation among different groups (i.e. classroom as whole, small groups of students in the same classroom or in different classrooms). ( Zoakou et al., ECEL2007-Proceedings of the European Confernce on e-Learning 2007).
The demand for scenario based-learning (SBL) is growing rapidly. SBL is now the most requested type of eLearning among SBL is a great way to present more interactive and compelling skill-based training. Use of OER like videos, attractive storylines, authentic problems, podcasts or other learning materials will motivate the learner and improve the learning results. How to create learning scenarios with OER? Learning scenarios 6
A learning scenario consists of a description of a realistic situation (usually fictional), accompanied by one or more questions that challenge the learner to respond to some aspect of that situation. At its simplest, a scenario could consist of a single description followed by a single question, but it could also develop in stages with one or more questions at each stage. The information that describes a scenario could be presented using a wide range of media elements, including text, images, animations, audio and video, in various potential combinations. What is more important than the media mix is that the situation described to the learner seems relevant and authentic. Steps of the Development 7
O4-A1 Workframe to create learning scenarios with OER 8 Framework for creating learning scenarios with OER. Feedback appreciated! Framework for creating learning scenarios with OER. Feedback appreciated! Example of learning scenario with OER
Contact Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner Tel:+49 (0) / Fax:+49 (0) / Jennifer Schneider, M. Sc. Tel:+49 (0) / Fax:+49 (0) / Universität Paderborn Department Wirtschaftspädagogik Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftspädagogik II Warburger Str Paderborn 9