21 st Century Learner Digital Native vs. Digital Immigrant
21 st Century Learner Social Networking 9-17 years old 96% have used 71% weekly 60 % used in college online courses 50% collaborate on work
21 st Century Learner Digital Natives Grow up with technology Entire lives Reading vs. video games Process data Brain structure changes Digital Natives become the Native Speakers of the Digital age.
21 st Century Learner Problem Digital Immigrant instructors, who speak an outdated language (that of the pre-digital age), are struggling to teach a population that speaks an entirely new language.
21 st Century Learner 1. Receive data really fast. 2. Very little ability to focus. 3. Skimming. 4. Like to multi-task. 5. Prefer graphics before text. 6. Seek interactivity. 7. Prefer hyper-text access. 8. Function best when networking. 9. Thrive on instant gratification and frequent reward. 10. Prefer games to serious work. 11. Little patience for lectures. 12. Tend to drop-out of classes that only lecture or read from the book. Video on the 21 st Century Learner: 21st Century Learner21st Century Learner Video on Connectivism: Connectivism Connectivism
References Prensky, Marc. Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. On the Horizon (MCB University Press, Vol. 9, Dec. 2001) sky.com/writing/Pren sky%20- %20Digital%20Native s,%20Digital%20Im migrants%20- %20Part1.pdf sky.com/writing/Pren sky%20- %20Digital%20Native s,%20Digital%20Im migrants%20- %20Part1.pdf sky.com/writing/Pren sky%20- %20Digital%20Native s,%20Digital%20Im migrants%20- %20Part2.pdf sky.com/writing/Pren sky%20- %20Digital%20Native s,%20Digital%20Im migrants%20- %20Part2.pdf