Please choose 6 gestures and/or facial expressions to discuss your understanding and interpretation for the body language. 595202090 游蕙慈 Christine 9/30
Gestures I think this is the international gesture. It can mean you are the victory and also mean peace.
Gestures This gesture let me feel you can catch whole things and you get the power to handle everything. On the other hand, I think this is a violence..
Gestures I think we usually use this gesture to express everything is fine or well done.
Gestures This gesture means you really did the good job. You are excellent. It’s an encouraged gesture.
Facial expressions You are bored. Getting impatient. Getting sleepy. You don’t like this persons or things.
Gestures You shall keep your promise and not to obtain women. I like this video very much in the end~XD. Thanks for Terry’s sharing.^^