Unit 8: Implementation, Part II Seminar Wednesday pm ET
Outline Accessibility User Training and Support Plans To Do List
Accessibility Accessibility – how easily your website is viewable to those with disabilities – is something at which the World Wide Web Consortium has led the effort. Many government entities are now required to build accessibility into their websites or web-based interfaces.
Implementation Suggestions Establish Responsibilities Establish coordination team with communication plan. Identify high-level champion/spokesperson for Web accessibility.
Conduct Initial Assessment Find out whether organization is subject to external requirements regarding Web accessibility. Conduct initial assessment of organization's Web site, using Preliminary Review method. Assess current awareness of need for Web accessibility by survey or interviews within organization. Assess expertise of organization's Web developers on accessible Web design. Assess suitability of current software to support development of accessible Web sites. Estimate resources required to address needs identified in initial assessment.
Develop Organizational Policy Find out whether organization has existing policy on Web site design and technologies. Establish organizational policy on Web accessibility. Develop initial and ongoing promotion plans to increase awareness of organization's policy, internally and externally. Announce new organizational policy.
Select Software Select authoring software most conformant to Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG). Install with recommendations for configurations supporting production of accessible content. Select software for evaluating and repairing Web accessibility. Develop management process to counter any shortcomings of selected software.
Provide Training Plan range of training options to meet needs of people with different roles in organization. Offer repeated training options as staff and responsibilities change.
Develop Accessible Web Site Make accessibility a priority throughout development process. Provide development team with tools to ensure accessibility.
Promote Organizational Awareness Incorporate Web accessibility policy and explanation into key documents where appropriate. Regularly reinforce organizational policy on Web accessibility.
Monitor Web Site Accessibility Specify Web site evaluation process to be used, and ensure quality of process. Conduct ongoing monitoring of organization's Web site. Invite and respond to user feedback on organization's Web site. Periodically review all aspects of implementation plan for effectiveness.
Developing User Training and Support Plans The training and support teams should collaborate with the planning team to develop and review the plans. The purpose of these plans is to define the training and support objectives, tasks, resources, and methods you will use.
Developing User Training and Support Plans Consider the following items as you write your training and support plans: Roles and responsibilities - If you plan to use an outside vendor for training and support services, differentiate between tasks completed by internal staff members and tasks performed by a representative from the outside vendor.
Developing User Training and Support Plans Migration costs - Carefully consider the costs for migration training and support. Ongoing training and support demands - Anticipate increasing resource demands for ongoing support and training as users begin working with the software.
Deadlines The Implementation Plans for all projects are due at the end of Unit 8 The completed Capstone Projects are due at the end of Unit 10.
To Do List Read the Web articles about databases Submit your Implementation Plan Discuss the topic for this week Attend the Seminar Attend Office Hours: T,R 8-9:00 pm ET, AIM : CaushajE
Questions? Thank you!