2013 NSHE Remedial Report Highlights EMBARGOED UNTIL May 6, 2014
Reporting Changes Historical Methodology Imperfect, but the best we had Remedial rates based on enrollment – not placement Prior availability of data limited the reporting to enrollment Nevada Revised Statutes requires enrollment reporting Enrollment rates vary for any number of reasons, including the number of available sections, delivery agreements between institutions, etc. Enrollment rate captured students who enrolled in summer and fall only – many students defer enrollment to spring and beyond Enrollment rate historically captured remedial courses only at the home institution, not co-requisite/stretch courses, or skills labs or enrollment at another NSHE institution 2
NSHE Remedial Enrollment Rate Percent of Recent High School Graduates Enrolled in Remediation Immediately Following Graduation Summer and Fall Enrollments Only Fewer students enrolling in remedial courses does not mean fewer students need remediation. 3
Reporting Changes New and Improved Methodology Remedial rates based on placement The percent of students “placed” into a remedial English and/or mathematics course in summer, fall or spring immediately following high school graduation based on the institutions’ placement protocols Students who are “placed” into a remedial course may not immediately enroll in the course New method captures students who need remediation (based on placement), not just those who enroll in a remedial course 4
Reporting Changes Providing a broader picture... including enrollment rates Captures all the remedial enrollment options Remedial courses Skills labs, co-requisite/stretch and technical courses – not captured in the historical methodology Captures students enrolled in ANY lab or course at ANY institution To eliminate the effects of “swirling” on enrollment rates the new methodology captures students placed at one institution who may have chosen to enroll in a remedial course at another NSHE institution -- first enrollments only reported Rate includes recent high school graduates enrolled in summer, fall or spring 5
Placement Rates Recent High School Graduates Placed Below College-Level – English and/or math System-wide Placement Rate: 55.6% English only Math only Math and English 6
Enrollment of Placed Students - English Summer, Fall, or Spring immediately following high school graduation 7
Enrollment of Placed Students - Math Skills Lab Summer, Fall, or Spring immediately following high school graduation 8
Placement Rates Recent High School Graduates Placed Below College-Level System-wide Placement Rate: 55.6% English only Math only Math and English 54.1% 53.9% 77.2% 51.5% 9
Enrollment of Placed Students - English CSN 36.4% Placed (N=1,753) Summer, Fall, or Spring immediately following high school graduation 10
Enrollment of Placed Students - Math CSN 40.1% Placed (N=1,928) Summer, Fall, or Spring immediately following high school graduation 11
Fall 2007 Math Web – Community Colleges Aggregated 5,351 First-time, degree- seeking freshmen 1,930 Enrolled in Remedial Math 36.1% 3,421 Did Not Enroll in Remedial Math 63.9% 170 complete CL Math in 1 Year 8.8% 1,760 did not complete CL Math in 1 Year 91.2% 2,857 did not complete CL Math in 1 Year 83.5% 564 complete CL Math in 1 Year 16.5% 88.8% persist to % do not persist to % persist to % do not persist to % persist to % do not persist to % persist to % do not persist to graduated or still enrolled 63.5% 505 graduated or still enrolled 28.7% 428 graduated or still enrolled 15.0% 290 graduated or still enrolled 51.4% 1,331 graduated or still enrolled as for Spring % Remedial enrollments systemwide. Completion of college-level math in Fall 2007 or Spring 2008 systemwide. Persistence in Fall 2008 or Spring 2009 systemwide. Graduated or still enrolled systemwide as of Spring 2013.