ABN: PO Box 2680 SOUTH HEDLAND WA 6722 Lot 2954 Yanana Street WEDGEFIELD WA 6721 Telephone: (08) Office Fax: (08) RAESP Fax: (08) Web: Contractors For: Essential Services Power Generation Water Waste Water Housing Management Tenancy Management Repairs Maintenance Environmental Health Dog Control In Home Practical Support Delivering Quality Services to Community Pilbara Meta Maya Regional Aboriginal Corporation NOTICE OF Directors Meeting Notice of Directors Meeting for Members of the Pilbara Meta Maya Regional Aboriginal Corporation to be held at the Wangka Maya Language Centre, 65 Cnr Throssell & Hamilton Road, South Hedland on Monday 24 th September 2012 commencing at 9.00am. The meeting will finish at 1.00pm. All members of the corporation are invited to attend this meeting. The meeting will be chaired by the Director, Mr Donny Wilson. Date: Monday, 24 th September 2012 Time: 9.00 am Location: Wangka Maya Language Centre, 65 Cnr Throssell & Hamilton Road, South Hedland. Agenda for the Meeting 1.Welcome 2.Apologies 3.Conformation of minutes of the Pilbara Meta Maya Regional Aboriginal Corporation Directors Meeting held on Wednesday, 2 nd May Adoption of Pilbara Meta Maya Regional Aboriginal Corporation 2011/2012 Annual Report 5.Directors Report 6.General Report 7.CEO matters 8.New Office Building Update 9.New members forms 10.New Contracts 11.General Business 12.Close of Meeting CATSI Act Specified modified rule Section (1)To be effective, proxies must be received by Rachael Denney at least 48 hours before the meeting by posting to Ms Rachael Denney at P O Box 2680, SOUTH HEDLAND WA 6722, by fax to (08) or by to Note: Members entitled to vote at the meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote for the member. A proxy form is enclosed with this notice.
ABN: PO Box 2680 SOUTH HEDLAND WA 6722 Lot 2954 Yanana Street WEDGEFIELD WA 6721 Telephone: (08) Office Fax: (08) RAESP Fax: (08) Web: Contractors For: Essential Services Power Generation Water Waste Water Housing Management Tenancy Management Repairs Maintenance Environmental Health Dog Control In Home Practical Support Delivering Quality Services to Community Pilbara Meta Maya Regional Aboriginal Corporation APPOINTMENT OF PROXY I, ________________________________________________ (full name of member) of: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ (address of member) am a member of the Pilbara Meta Maya Regional Aboriginal Corporation. I appoint: ________________________________________________ (full name of proxy) of:________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ (address of proxy) who is a member of the Pilbara Meta Maya Regional Aboriginal Corporation, as my proxy vote on my behalf at the Directors Meeting of the corporation to be held on Monday, 24 th September 2012 and at any adjournment of that meeting. Signed: _____________________________ Date: ___ / ___ / ___ (signature of member appointing proxy) NOTE: A proxy vote may be given to a person who is a member of the corporation. A person must not exercise proxies for more than three members. Completed proxy forms must be received by Ms Rachael Denney at least 48 hours before the meeting. Send forms to : Post: PO Box 2680, South Hedland, WA 6722 Fax: (08)