Do Now – in your notebooks What are some commonalities across the Victorian texts we’ve come across so far? Answer in 2-3 sentences.
Agenda and Objective Agenda Do Now Socratic Seminar Packet Exit Objective Students will refer to evidence from Victorian literary texts in order to prepare answers to thematic questions and stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned Socratic seminar discussion.
What Do I Need? PART I Open-ended OPINION response 4-5 complete sentences PART II Evidence to support your ideas. The evidence must be connected to your ideas! Piece from Great Expectations Piece from a poem Piece from a short story
How Will I Be Scored? – Document 40 points
Working Independently You will have today and tomorrow to complete the Socratic Seminar document. It will be checked for completion by me at the beginning of class on Thursday for a homework grade.
Agenda and Objective Agenda Socratic Seminar Packet Exit Objective Students will refer to evidence from Victorian literary texts in order to prepare answers to thematic questions.
Working Independently You will have today to complete the Socratic Seminar document. You must use direct quotes! For example, “When my mother died I was very young” (Line 1). Whatever you do not finish will be for homework! It will be checked for completion by me at the beginning of class on tomorrow for a homework grade.
Picking Groups! – Period 2 Thursday – Black Mario Dom Rob Sonia Mike M. Rucha Ava Mike R. Danny Friday - Grey Tayybe Jay Jay Jillian Alana Dave Aash Yogesh Daniella Jessica Vin Jarrod
Picking Groups! – Period 3 Thursday - Grey Corey Vin Willy Tim Vinny Isabella Amanda Natalie Alex Raven Friday – Black Alejandro Chris Mark Dan C Dan H Jocelyn Andrew Dave Joanne Eunice
Picking Groups! – Period 4 Thursday – Black Victoria Eric Mike Scott Julianna Juliane Kenny Chris Frankie Marissa Friday - Grey Greg William Alex Dom Gabby Meg Brina Christian Jake
Picking Groups! – Period 5 Thursday - Grey Hanna Rachel Tarrin Alexa C. Kristy Lauren Seamus Lance Anthony Friday – Black Joe Michelle Sameer Shyla Tom Sean Jimmy Vin Nicole Alexa P Ange