Tsinghua Collaboration Plan Jiaru Shi, CERN On behalf of Huaibi Chen, Tsinghua University, Beijing November Collaboration Meeting, CERN.


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Presentation transcript:

Tsinghua Collaboration Plan Jiaru Shi, CERN On behalf of Huaibi Chen, Tsinghua University, Beijing November Collaboration Meeting, CERN

Outline November Collaboration Meeting, CERN Brief introduction of Accelerator Laboratory at Tsinghua University Plans for the activity in Tsinghua University

Accelerator Lab at Tsinghua University Faculty –15 faculties (3 full Professors)and more employee –About 20 graduate students Activities –Education (undergraduate and graduate) –Low Energy Linear Accelerators and Their Applications –High brightness electron sources (RF Guns, MPG, Cathode) –High Gradient Accelerating Structures (s,c,x bands) –Compact X-ray Light Source (TTX) –Compact Pulse Neutron Sources (CPHS) –MeV Ultra-fast Electron Diffraction –Advanced Accelerating Concept ( PWFA ) –…

Microwave measurement for RF structure Two based on SNA, two based on VNA November Collaboration Meeting, CERN

Machining Workshop high-precision machine tools and CNC Machine November Collaboration Meeting, CERN

Facility for brazing and baking High-T hydrogen furnace Medium-T hydrogen furnace Baking oven Annealing furnaceVacuum furnace Laser welding machine Tool microscope Leak detector November Collaboration Meeting, CERN

RF Structure R&D

Plans November Collaboration Meeting, CERN Choke-mode-damped structure – To design a choke-mode damped structure as an alternative to the CLIC baseline structure. (Wake field Simulation, RF design, etc…) – Machining, tuning, bonding and brazing on site To supply hardware (prototype structures) for high power test and wake field measurements

On going Activities November Collaboration Meeting, CERN Ph.D Student visiting CERN T24 test structure to validate the production procedure – (to benchmark against the identical rf design structures built at KEK/SLAC and CERN) – Three batches of cells send to CERN for qualification – Bonding test on going

Funding November Collaboration Meeting, CERN National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC) – Project: “Research on the physics and key-technology of X-band high gradient accelerating structures”. – Project leader: Prof CHEN Huaibi – For five years from 2012 to 2016 – Material budget: ~30kCHF/a – Manpower: 0.5 Professor, 2 PhD students Applying University Funding dedicated to international collaboration