Clinical Education Challenges and Strategies Synthesis of the Day Wow! What a Day
The Future is Now! 1.Envision the future and find solutions – don’t settle for status quo 2.Determine how technology can be used to enhance teaching and how teaching can be done in a variety of sites 3.Design clinical activities in a manner that clinical partners will value and provide students they will value
Innovative Practices Gilbert’s 60:40 rule – we pay for the 60% really no idea who pays the 40% Clinical Curriculum = Technical competencies + Clinical skills + Professional skills BVAC – bright, vocal, assertive and comm?
Innovative Practices Must move beyond apprenticeship model Strategies Geographic mix of experience – integrate urban, rural and remote Develop coherent placement strategy Education of practice educators Recognize and honour community partners Share best practices Stakeholder perspectives of costs and benefits are an essential pieces of the puzzle Partnering with “cousin technologies” is often worth the challenges Nothing like an outside perspective to build partnership
Innovative Practices Action Calls: National Planning agency under Fed/Prov/Terr Support Innovation HsPnet – web enhanced application for coordinating and improving health science student placements – “ model” Support of Placement research critical Where does the clinical placement belong in a program – no standard answer! Time to think outside the box
Educational and Evaluation Using research, computer technology and testing for skill development and assessment Some stressors will always exist and there is little research on this Stress induced anxiety has a negative impact Neither training nor experience mediates impact Electronic log/tracking Enhanced understanding of individual student progress and achievements More timely and accessible information – standardization of “sign off”; trackability; searchability; immediacy; etc. Results will lead to core preceptorship program changes Web CT – allow coordination of multiple sites and coordination of multiple students Use the array of tools and options to the greatest extent Work on virtual clinical cases for use by the students Better student accessibility Allows for establishment of professional community
Educational and Evaluation Using research, computer technology and testing for skill development and assessment Web CT – allow coordination of multiple sites and coordination of multiple students Use the array of tools and options to the greatest extent Work on virtual clinical cases for use by the students Better student accessibility Allows for establishment of professional community
Simulation Importance of assessing competency Entry to practice and Life Long Learning Benefits include – hands on consequences of decisions, critical debriefing and repetition of challenge; education/assessment of clinical preceptors The 6 R’s – keep it real! Same Challenges – Money, Time and Environment – simulation is tool which can help
Simulation The Goal should be Integrated simulation – integrated disciplines and industry Allows for interactive design of learning needs Application and integration of Adult learning principles Students value the opportunity and the experience May assist in re-design length of clinical placements
Final Thoughts Old Polish Proverb: “Always be prepared to feel like a flower in a field of onions” Change Agents and Innovators aren’t always popular but they are necessary -