LVL1 Trigger Calorimeter trigger Muon trigger Central Trigger Processor (CTP) Timing, Trigger, Control (TTC) Germany, Sweden, UK Italy Japan, Israel Cluster Processor (e/ , /h) Pre-Processor (analogue E T ) Jet / Energy-Sum Processor CERN Muon Barrel Trigger Muon End-cap Trigger Muon-CTP Interface (MUCTPI) ~7200 calorimeter trigger towers O(1M) RPC/TGC channels
Calorimeter trigger Cluster Processor Module (CPM) for e/ / /h trigger New version fixes timing problems in fanned-out data Fabrication problems solved using firms with better QA Jet/Energy Module (JEM) Full-specification version recently made, tests so far look good Common Merger Module (CMM) Tested extensively, very close to final version CPM JEM
Calorimeter trigger PreProcessor Module (PPM) - later than planned, but... Final ASIC prototype is OK MCM now OK Substrate problem fixed by change of material PPM stand-alone tests now nearly completed System tests Many subsystem tests done without PPM e.g. 5 DSSs 3 CPMs CMM (crate) CMM (system) Full system tests with PPM starting very soon Will participate in test-beam in August/September, including 25 ns run Aim to integrate with –Calorimeters and receivers –Central Trigger Processor –RoI Builder –ATLAS DAQ, run control environment, etc. Produce simple triggers based on calorimeter signals 3 CPMs, 1 JEM, 2 CMMs, TCM and CPU in crate
Tile Calorimeter - PPM Test Test pulse Test pulse recorded in H8
Barrel muon trigger Preproduction of “Splitter” boxes completed Main production on the way Prototype of final-design “Pad” boards evaluated in lab and (last week) at 25 ns test beam Seem to work well, but test-beam data still to be analysed Design completed for revised version of CM ASIC Interaction in progress with IMEC on placement/routing plus simulation to check design Very urgent! More Pad boxes being prepared for chamber integration tests Number limited by availability of prototype ASICs (old version) Correlation in measurements between two BML doublets
Endcap muon trigger System operated successfully in last week’s 25 ns test beam with MUCTPI and CTP demonstrator Even better efficiency than last year Many improvements to software Will test new PS boards with revised version of SLB ASIC in test beam August/September Revised version of SLB ASIC is being evaluated in lab tests Trigger part passes all tests Problem detected in readout part for certain sequences of L1A signals Probably very localized and hopefully only very minor revision to design required, but still under investigation All other endcap ASICs already final Trig. Eff. PT=6 PT=5 PT=4
Central trigger CTP Final prototypes either available or coming soon (layout, production) Tight schedule to test, commission and integrate for test beam later in summer LTP Prototypes just received MUCTPI Work queued behind CTP Only one kind of module needs to be upgraded to achieve full functionality Existing “demonstrator” adequate in short term LTP prototype
LVL1 Schedule Re-baselined in line with current status and plans Schedule for calorimeter and central trigger electronics matches availability of detector systems Production of on-detector muon trigger electronics is later than we would like for integration with detectors Very tight schedule to have barrel electronics available in time to equip chambers before installation Late submission of revised version of the CM ASIC Try to advance ASIC schedule if at all possible Need to prepare for very fast completion and testing of electronics once production ASICs become available Need to prepare for efficient integration of electronics with chamber assemblies prior to installation End-cap electronics schedule also tight for integration with detectors in early 2005 Detector installation is later than for barrel, so not as critical
Installation Schedule According to present schedule, final availability of all LVL1 subsystems is still driven by detector installation schedule Latest ATLAS working installation schedule (v. 6.19) shows last TGC chambers (with on-detector trigger electronics) installed January 2007 Leaves little time for commissioning of on-detector electronics before we lose access prior to first beams Action defined for discussion with TC (and Muon PL) to see if there is scope to optimize the installation planning
HLT/DAQ Major activity in the present phase is the test beam Support for detector and for LVL1 trigger tests Organization in “support teams” who are first point of contact –Call on experts when necessary Dedicated training sessions were organized for the team members Team members participate with experts in problem solving –Good way to spread expertise Electronic log book very useful –Could extend use to detector systems HLT/DAQ studies Preparation and planning for dedicated period in August –Aim to operate HLT/DAQ system to gain experience in a “real-life” environment »Will need support from detector systems Generally experience at test beam is very positive for T/DAQ However, work at the test beam takes a lot of effort In parallel, continue development and system evaluation work ... within the constraints of the available effort E.g. Dataflow measurements and modelling
Detector integration with DAQ at H8 Muon Detectors TGC’s, MDT fully integrated Extended running in combined mode during 25 ns run last week together with MUCTPI (sometimes triggered by CTPD) RPC almost fully integrated Data were successfully taken in stand-alone mode Calorimeters Tiles fully integrated in data-taking mode LAr integration well advanced Inner Detectors Started for TRT and pixels; plan to integrate SCT later The exercise of joining detectors together has proven to be “easy” if the detector segment has been properly done according to the TDAQ prescriptions
HLT integration for test beam The infrastructure for the EF is prepared An EF cluster has been divided and pre-assigned to different detectors The configuration allows, nevertheless, to dynamically assign more CPU’s to the partition that requests it The main work now is to get ATHENA integrated Scheme of having “rolling” unique version of the offline software (8.2.x) specially maintained for the test-beam working well We are now trying to put in place the automatic procedure that sets ~80 environment variables! The Gatherer is integrated Allows for aggregation of histograms across multiple processors The LVL2 commissioning is progressing well A LVL1 result has been successfully read out by the L2PU Progress is being made in integrating algorithms
Example of HLT algorithm work Eff for e pairEfficiency wrt to LVL1 Rates LVL1100 %3.5 kHz EF Calo84.5 %6.2 Hz EF ID71.6 %1.5 Hz EF ID-Calo55.5 %1.5 Hz New result since TDR 2e15i at 2x10 33 cm -2 s -1 Rates consistent with TDR assumptions H 4e m H =130 GeV L = 2x10 33 cm -2 s -1 4 reconstructed electrons in | |<2.5 At least 2e with p T > 20 GeV Efficiency includes both single and double-object triggers Good trigger acceptance of Higgs events 2e2 study also being done Trigger Selection Steps Efficiency wrt LVL1 Overall Efficiency LVL1100 %99.6 % L2Calo99.7 %99.4 % EFCalo98.9 %98.5 % EFID98.1 %97.7 % EFIDCalo97.1 %96.7 %
Continuous evolution of Online software Control Databases Monitoring
Example of ongoing work: large-scale tests Operational Scalability and Performance Verified the Operational Scalability and Performance of the Online System on a very large scale close to the size of final Atlas 1000 run controllers processes Partitions of up to 1000 run controllers processes running on 340 PCs communication configuration databasesuccessful Individual tests on corba communication components and configuration database components successful 4 th iteration of Online Software Large Scale tests 340 PCs (800-Hz to 2.4 GHz) of CERN LXSHARE cluster Linux RH 7.3 Partitions and configuration trees under varying conditions Run control operations: boot DAQ, start run, stop run. shutdown DAQ Number of requests per seconds Number of simultaneous providers Information Service performance: Each provider publishes one information, then updates it as fast as possible
HLT/DAQ procurement plans S-link source card FDR/PRR successfully concluded in February Preproduction run before end of year; mass production in 2005 ROB-in FDR successfully concluded in May Production of 10 prototype boards of final design due in July Switches Plan for switch evaluation exists Measurements on some “pizza box” switches in progress Technical specification document under review Market survey later this year ROS PCs Technical specification document under review Market survey later this year Other PCs Will be addressed later
HLT/DAQ pre-series system in preparation Approximately 10% slice of full HLT/DAQ system Validate functionality of final system 1 full ROS rack (11 PCs equipped with ROBins) port Gbit Ethernet switch 1 LVL2 processor rack 1 EF processor rack (partially equipped) 1 ROIB (50% equipped) 1 EFIO rack (DFM, SFI, SFO,...) 1 Online rack DCS equipment Practical experience Racks, power distribution, cooling, etc Considering installation in USA15/SDX (as for final system) Check of infrastructure ~6 months before main installation starts Subject to feasibility checks (schedule, working environment, safety issues and regulations Will be discussed in July TMB
DCS Front-End system ELMB: mass production on-going (LHCC 31/8/04) CAN branch supervisor: prototype being tested Rack control system: defined, HW prototype ordered Back-End system Distributed PVSS system running (SR1) Hierarchical system with 3 levels set up Logging to (present) conditions data base (H8) Prototype Finite State Machine running Connection to DAQ fully operational Data retrieval from accelerator in the works by JCOP (LHCC 31/7/04)