Traffic congestion on road networks is characterized by slower speeds,longer trip times, and increased vehicular queuing. Vehicle volume is increased exponentially,but the road infrastructure cannot be, that leads to increase traffic congestion. Different technologies are there to detect traffic congestion and making congestion management more efficient. But these technologies have several draw backs, such as installation problems, complexity, cost, etc. We introduce Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)as a easier, efficient and inexpensive congestion detection technology.
The objective of this project is to control traffic density using RFID. At the same time violation of signals can also be monitored.
Inductive loop detection Wireless Sensor Network Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
HARDWARE: AT89C51 microcontroller MAX 232 for level shifter (protocol conversion) RFID chip and detectors SOFTWARE: Kiel uv3 for Embedded ‘C’ programming Visual basic for PC interfacing and data base maintaining
It can be used in traffic controller management to avoid unwanted traffic. It helps in smooth running of vehicles. Will detect emergency vehicles like ambulance, police vans & will allow them to pass as quicky.
It can be used on toll naka. It can be used between four way road passing It can be used on highways to stop the cars from over speeding. Can detect your car if stolen.
Can detect the stolen cars. No direct Line of Sight required for identification & tracking. Enables very specific detection of vehicles. Simultaneous multiple detection of vehicles are possible using RFID. No performance degradation during harsh weather.
The error rate is quite high. Maintenance is very tedious. Traffic cannot be managed locally