A Parent’s Guide To the Flipped Classroom Rachel Nixon
Goals / Objectives Introduction to flipped classroom concept Flipping at Yorktown Community Schools Benefits / drawbacks to flipping? Advice from flipping teachers Opportunity to ask questions – such as??
Introductions Rachel Nixon – science teacher at Yorktown High School (YHS) 4 th year at YHS 4 years at Cowan Jr./Sr. High School 2 years at Ivy Tech Physical Therapist for 15 years Mom to 10, 5 & 3 year-old daughters
What is a flipped classroom?
Intro to Flipped Classroom Sal Khan – TedEd Talk regarding Khan Academy Sal Khan Flipped Learning.org – several teachers attempt to define “flipped learning” Flipped Learning.org
Pacing in the Flipped Classroom Traditional Flip All students are on the same content at the same time – for example – watching the same video for homework every night.. Flipped Mastery Students are allowed to move through the content at their own pace with certain deadlines for tests/units, etc.
Classes being flipped in YCS Kindergarten – math / language arts Fifth grade – social studies YMS – science & math classes YHS – chemistry, AP chemistry, AP biology, AP statistics, Spanish II, III & IV, Economics, ICP (portions), Anatomy & physiology (portions)
Evidence Required by teachers Video Quizzes Video Response forms & pop quizzes Note Guides Multiple choice questions Digital notebook Ability for students to answer questions Google form responses
Why the flipped class? – more face to face time
What do my students say? Resistant to change at first Once they learn it, most of them prefer it to the “traditional” lecture presentation My Student’s perspective My Student’s perspective
Student complaints about flipping Not able to ask questions “immediately” “Different from what I have done before, so I do not like it ” “It forces me to think outside of class”
Things teachers like about flipping Students engage with lecture more without distraction from their peers Takes away boredom in class and frees up time for other activities No more “stand and deliver” – quickly discuss topic/video and students move onto lab or activity Parents have more awareness of material covered in class Homework is reasonable/achievable
Things teachers like about flipping cont’d Puts ownership for learning with students Class time is devoted to students applying knowledge and correcting student misunderstandings Allows for more opportunities to work with struggling learners in the classroom Allows for more face to face time with students to ask questions and check for understanding Students helping other students – collaborative learning
Advice for parents.. from teachers Flipping allows students more time to work with the teacher on topics that students tend to struggle with the most Videos are not optional – they are replacing traditional lecture and are required homework Parents need to encourage their children to turn off distractions when watching the videos Watch video in a quiet area of the house with headphones, no interruptions
Advice for parents cont’d Just because we (parents) did not learn this way, does not mean it is a bad thing Do not be afraid of the technology – there are lots of ways to access the videos (DVD’s, flash drives, etc.) – ask us if you are having issues It provides parents an opportunity to work with their child and share in their learning (in a non-threatening way) Please read info sent home by teachers and ask questions!!
Any Questions???