AGENDA ACTIVISTS Mr. Enock Jarumi Mr.Bisase Moses Mr.Romulo Emmanuel Ms.Sorangel Diaz Ms. Mmapula Sekatane Ms.Orathai Kokpol Ms.Busagwa Prossy
CHALLENGES How to establish the role of PBO for the new ones e.g Morocco, Thailand Functions, Mandate and Structures Absence of Enabling Legislation Non- Partisanship Access to data Inadequate technical capacity of staff and MPs Inadequate Equipment and Software(IT) – for analysis, modelling, forecasting, etc Political dynamics i.e Politicans vs Technical Advice Lack of Independence i.e Financial and Human Resource
RECOMMENDATIONS TO ADDRESS THE CHALLENGES IDENTIFIED LACK OF MODELS FOR PBOS FOR ANALYSIS – World Bank to assist the GNPBO Community to develop models for Macroeconomic and Fiscal forecasting. – PBOs need to have tools for analysis e.g BOOST( Pivot tables) ACCESS TO DATA – GNPBO should provide a guideline for organizing economic and statistical data – PBOs need to be supported to have access to a functional Government database e.g Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS). – PBOs need to be supported to have access to International Databases and knowledge e.g OECD, ODA etc.
RECOMMENDATIONS TO ADDRESS THE CHALLENGES IDENTIFIED E-PBO PORTAL – Link the e- PBO with individual PBOs – Encourage sharing of information on the e-PBO – GNPBO should provide access to reference materials CITIZEN’S ENGAGEMENT IN THE BUDGET PROCESS – PBO need to strengthen linkages with Civil Society Organizations – Engage Media e.g. Radio and Television talk shows
RECOMMENDATIONS TO ADDRESS THE CHALLENGES IDENTIFIED E-PBO PORTAL – Link the e- PBO with individual PBOs – Encourage sharing of information on the e-PBO – GNPBO should provide access to reference materials CITIZEN’S ENGAGEMENT IN THE BUDGET PROCESS – PBO need to strengthen linkages with Civil Society Organizations – Engage Media e.g. Radio and Television talk shows
RECOMMENDATIONS TO ADDRESS THE CHALLENGES IDENTIFIED Need for external evaluation of PBOs Help upcoming PBOs with the environment they are operating in Need to design indicators for assessment of PBOs and publication of results Agenda needs to be communicated early to PBOs World Bank to strengthen relationships with PBO heads
RECOMMENDATIONS TO ADDRESS THE CHALLENGES IDENTIFIED Agenda activists to assess the progress on implementation of the Recommendations. Benchmarking on Regional PBOs supported by the World Bank Ranking of PBOs on the use of the e-PBO Portal Proposal for venue rotation of GNPBO conferences Have a theme for the assembly Regional practical trainings to enhance analytical skills
LIST OF TOPICS FOR THE FUTURE MEETING Debt Risk Assessment and Management Enhancing the independence of PBOs How to analyse Private Public Partnerships especially the risk associated with different business models. Tools and Methods for analysis Administration of PBO for effective Outputs/ Results Provide practical sessions on Budget analysis, Economic forecasting, Fiscal risk etc
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Proposal to have a cultural dinner reflecting unity in diversity ( World Bank should inform delegates from different countries to carry their different cultural wear) Avoid to fixing official meetings on Sunday Propose a new sight for sight seeing