Benefits of the SBIR/STTR Programs STTR: Small Business Technology Transfer SBIR/STTR Program Goals Stimulate technological innovation Meet Federal R&D needs Foster & encourage participation in innovation & entrepreneurship by socially & economically disadvantaged persons Increase private-sector commercialization of innovations derived from Federal R&D funding Funding is non-dilutive & doesn’t impact company stock Awards are not loans; no repayment is required Intellectual property rights are retained by the small business Awards provide company recognition, verification, and visibility Projects are vetted through NIH’s rigorous scientific peer review Can be used as leverage to attract additional funding SBIR: Small Business Innovation Research Set-aside program to fund small business early stage R&D For small business concerns (SBC) that are organized as for-profit US- based businesses with fewer than 500 employees SBC must do at least 2/3 of R&D work in Phase I, at least 1/2 in Phase II PI must be greater than 50% employed by SBC Basic SBC eligibility same as SBIR Formal cooperative R&D effort with a US research institution SBC must do minimum 40% of work; research institution must do minimum 30% of work PI may be primarily employed by either SBC or research institution FY15 SBIR/STTR Funding ~$780M at NIH ~$123M at NCI NCI SBIR Development Center CROSSING THE VALLEY OF DEATH NCI SBIR Phase IIB Bridge Award Phase III COMMERCIALIZATION Phase II DEVELOPMENT Phase I FEASIBILITY Commercialization stage Use of non-SBIR/STTR funds Research & Development Commercialization plan required $1M over 2 years; max $1.5M Technology validation & clinical translation Follow-on funding for SBIR Phase II awardees Expectation that applicants will secure substantial 3 rd -party investor funds $1M per year over 3 years Proof-of-Concept study $150,000 over 6 mo (SBIR), 1 year (STTR); max $225,000 NEW Direct- to-Phase II Fast-Track Application Combined Phase I & II
Other Recent Changes to the SBIR/STTR Programs Standard Due Date changes: Percentage of extramural NIH funding reserved is increasing for SBIR (2.9% FY15, 3.0% FY16) & STTR (0.40% FY15, 0.45% FY16) $5000 Technical Assistance award requests, open to SBIR & STTR Limits on Award Sizes: $225,000 (Ph I), $1.5M (Ph II) Small businesses majority owned by multiple VCOCs, hedge funds, or private equity firms are now eligible to apply for NIH SBIR funding Direct-to-Phase II Pilot program announced SBIR Ph I awardees can apply for STTR Ph II and vice versa For the Latest on NIH Implementation: What We’re Funding Therapeutics 36% In Vitro Diagnostics 18% Devices for Cancer Therapy 9% Imaging 16% Health IT & Software Tools 8% Tools for Basic Research 13% Grant Funding Opportunities 2015 Omnibus Solicitations Applications due: September 5, 2015; January 5, 2015; April 5, 2016 Investigator-initiated projects accepted in a broad range of areas supporting the mission of NCI Innovative Molecular Analysis Technology Development for Cancer Research and Clinical Care (SBIR-IMAT, PAR ) Applications due May 27, November 4; through For next-generation molecular and cellular analytical technologies for cancer detection and/or characterization Development of Highly Innovative Tools & Technology for Analysis of Single Cells (PA ) Applications due: April 5, September 5, January 5 (2016) For next-generation tools that distinguish heterogeneous states among individual cells Contract Solicitation The NCI SBIR & STTR Programs announce contract funding opportunities in a wide range of technology areas on a yearly basis. Please check the above link regularly for FY2016 funding opportunities. 372 Projects NCI SBIR Phase IIB Bridge Award Applications due May 13, 2015 Up to $1M/year for up to 3 years following a Ph II award Open to all SBIR or STTR Phase II awardees working on: cancer therapeutics, imaging technologies, diagnostics Competitive preference & funding priority to applicants raising substantial third-party funds (i.e. ≥ 1:1 match)