“No End in Sight” The Iraq War By Olivia Pattee
Brief History of Iraq Formerly Mesopotamia, site of the earliest developments Formerly Mesopotamia, site of the earliest developments S. Iraq was formerly Sumer, the earliest known civilization S. Iraq was formerly Sumer, the earliest known civilization Republic established in 1958 Republic established in 1958 Ba’ath party gained power Ba’ath party gained power in 1963 General Saddam Hussein was given General Saddam Hussein was given power in 1979 power in 1979 Eight year war with Iran from 1980 Eight year war with Iran from 1980 to 1988 due to territorial disputes to 1988 due to territorial disputes
Iraq War The US invaded Iraq in 2003, The US invaded Iraq in 2003, after a terrorist attack in 2001, after a terrorist attack in 2001, to remove dictator Saddam to remove dictator Saddam Hussein and the Ba’ath party from power: “Operation Iraqi Freedom”. Troops were originally welcomed, they were later resented by the Iraqi people. Troops were originally welcomed, they were later resented by the Iraqi people. “De-Ba’athification” ensued; all members of the Ba’ath party were rendered unemployed and unable to get work. “De-Ba’athification” ensued; all members of the Ba’ath party were rendered unemployed and unable to get work. No interim Iraqi government was established by the US, causing nation-wide chaos. No interim Iraqi government was established by the US, causing nation-wide chaos. The Iraqi Military was disbanded, bringing the total unemployment rate to about 50%. The Iraqi Military was disbanded, bringing the total unemployment rate to about 50%. troops1.jpg
Iraq War contd. Total American deaths: 4,427 (3,496 in Total American deaths: 4,427 (3,496 in combat) combat) Total Americans wounded: 32,900 Total Americans wounded: 32,900 Total Iraqi civilian deaths: 107,594 Total Iraqi civilian deaths: 107,594 (extremely underestimated) Total Cost of War to date: at least $3 trillion Total Cost of War to date: at least $3 trillion In 2007, President Bush increased the number of troops in order to secure Baghdad, this is known as “the surge”. In 2007, President Bush increased the number of troops in order to secure Baghdad, this is known as “the surge”. President Obama ended Operation Iraqi Freedom, and as of August 2010, only 50,000 troops remain in Iraq. President Obama ended Operation Iraqi Freedom, and as of August 2010, only 50,000 troops remain in Iraq. content/uploads/2009/05/iraq-warcasketts.jpg
The movie “No End In Sight” Charles Ferguson’s “No End In Sight” provided information about the war in Iraq, mainly Charles Ferguson’s “No End In Sight” provided information about the war in Iraq, mainly the plan, or lack thereof, the Bush administration created to invade Iraq. It showed not only the policies of the It showed not only the policies of the United States government, but the consequences on the Iraqi people. What surprised me was that it seemed as if What surprised me was that it seemed as if all planning was done without thinking of what the effects on the Iraqi people could be. all planning was done without thinking of what the effects on the Iraqi people could be. I believe every American should know the exact consequences of the war in Iraq, both on the people of America and the people of Iraq. I believe every American should know the exact consequences of the war in Iraq, both on the people of America and the people of Iraq. gossip_central/images/2008/02 /03/no_end_in_site2_2.jpg
Works Cited Griffis, Margaret. "Casualties in Iraq - Antiwar.com." Antiwar.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Nov "Iraq Body Count." Iraq Body Count. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Nov "Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Nov No End in Sight. Dir. Charles Ferguson. Perf. Barbara Bodine, Linda Blimes, Chris Allbritton, Faisal al-Istrabadi. Magnolia, DVD. US Department of State. "Iraq." U.S. Department of State. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Nov